The message

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There was a boy and a girl who were in love with each other.
One day cancer hit the girl, she was slowly dying so she wrote an email to her boyfriend and told him to come to the hospital for her last words.

Unfortunately that time the boy was influenced by anime. He was really addicted that he forgotten his own girlfriend.

The girl knew this would happen but she could not leave the hospital.
So when the time came she passed away sadly.

One weeks later (Monday), the boy only realized the girl was not in the attendance list anymore. He was worried that the girl left the school without telling him. He went to ask his girlfriend's close friend. The close friend was shocked and told the boy in a serious tone:"She passed away...!" and ran off. The boy was shock and froze in his same position for few minutes. He than went to class and check his email as they would usually chat and call each other there. Sooner he found what the girl wrote and went in tears.


Last Monday at 9:45am
Hey babe:
Please come to the hospital so I can speak to you. I need to tell you something. luv you....❤️❤️❤

Last Tuesday at 9:45am
Hey babe:
Are you free pls. Pls see this message and come to the hospital...luv you...have a great day...❤️❤️❤️

Last Wednesday at 9:46am
Hey babe:
Are you really that busy... Why aren't you replying? Is everything ok? Pls if you see this message, come to the hospital...luv you❤️❤️❤️

Last Thursday at 9:45am
Hey babe:
I am getting weaker and I don't want you to get annoy...Pls look at my message...I luv you...❤️❤️❤️

Last Friday at 9:46am
Hey babe:
Tomorrow is my final day... Pls come to the hospital... I am sorry if I am annoying you... Pls... I luv you...❤️❤️❤️

Last Saturday at 8:30pm
Hey babe:
Now are my few last minutes of breathe...For these five days, I had continuously saying I luv because I won't be able to say it anymore in the future and I want you to know how I feel...I am sorry I won't be able to see you in the future but take care... I want to say this the last time...I LUV YOU AND I WILL ALWAYS DO❤️😢❤️...thanks for be in there for me...and I forgive you for not coming to the hospital, I know you are busy...

Last seen Saturday at 9:00pm

The boy couldn't move. All he felt was shameless and anger of himself. He could not take care and express how much he love her. He slowly walk to her close friend and ask...

"Why did she die?" With a shameless tone. The close friend said:" from cancer, she had cancer." The boy could not believe it, he was very sad and did not talk for a week. He now learns that he have to treasure what he have and do not put it a side, it won't be forever there. He stopped watching anime and concentrated on his balanced on life. He swore that he is going to take care of himself and live a healthy life as his girlfriend wish him to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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