Game Over

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I looked at it, with tired eyes. Two hours before Matt's next death. I sighed and took my phone, using the camera to check my look. I threw all of the mirrors out, because i look more and more horrible, with each death. Messy hair, bags under eyes... Paler than always... I look as horrible as i feel. Watching the person you love die, for 87 times in a row, now... It's tiring. 87 times, i told him that i love him. 44 times i shielded him with my own body. Now, i can just feel that he's gonna die. Now, i will be able to save him, everytime, with the cost of my own life. And it will all restart, like nothing happened.

I looked at the screem which was on..  more like inside my left hand. Its Kinda like Matt's screen on his clothhing but... mine is in skin. There's nothing besides number, '13' which means rest of my lifes. Soon it will all be over...

I stumbled in front of my drawer, and wore my black hoodie, with blue Decker's logo, black pants and just socks. Not bothering to fix my look, i went out of my room, and wore my blue headphones. My switchblade was in pocket of my pants, along with gun. driving to Miller's house, with my motorbike, took a while. One hour untill death. I took the keys from my pocket and opened his door. I got the keys arond 5th time i saved him.

I closed the door gently, and walked into his room. I looked at his sleeping figure. His black hair falling on his face, his mouth slightly opened. So peaceful when he slept... I smiled slightly, but then got serious, remembering why am i here. "Matt, get up. We gotta leave." I said throwing his pants at him. He woke up and looked at me. His morning voice killing me as awlays. "(Y/N)? What happened?" He asked rubbing his eye. "No time for explanation, get up" I said and threw Him his jacket, while searching for tie. "Get dressed, we REALLY need to leave." He sighed and did as i asked. He finished quite quickly, so i grabbed his hand and ran out of house with him. Of course, everytime he forgets that he... or me... Died. 

This time he was the one driving the motorbike. "Where to?" He asked, still confused about the whole situation. "Wherever... N-Not north." I said feeling a sharp pain in my head. It's like a painful future vision. I never knew why it all kept happening... It just.. did. I wrapped my arms around his waist and drifted into my thoughts. What can possibly go wrong... He's a good driver but... We can be hit by a car... no... I don't see this possibility. I'm just getting paranoid now... Ugh, i was getting paranoid around his 23rd death. My first two lives, i wasted on killing everybody. On second one, i even killed so called 'The Boss' But then his friends killed me.

Two weeks have passed since i saved Matt from another death. I could feel next one coming. If it's his destiny to die, then it's my destiny to stop it. Why else would i have infinite number of lives? Death will most likely occur tomorrow. I sighed in relief, and sat by my computer, programming. I started taking better care of myself, after i saw him flirting with a bunch of strippers. Maybe he will finally be the first one to confess... BEFORE any of us dies. 

When i changed into pajama, i felt very sharp pain in my head. It made me fall on ground. "F...Fuck!" a single tear fell from my left eye. It hurts too much.. What happened...Just then i got a call. With my last powers i picked up the phone. "(y/n), get to hospital. Now." It was voice of Matt's friend. What happened... Did he... No, no... Impossible. I quickly got up, dressed in anything, and not minding the pain anymore, just ran, down the road untill i noticed a building. I ran inside, pushing everybody away. Then i noticed man with Decker's logo on shirt, by one of the rooms. I pushed past them and noticed him. His black hair covered in blood, along with his face, and... everything around him. Beeping of machine getting slower and slower.

I fell on my knees, beside his bed. "I failed you... Again..." I whispered, as tears streamed down my eyes. "I... I'm sorry Matt..." I mumbled and looked at him. One of his eyes was covered in blood, but the other one, was staring at me. A weak smile appeared on his lips. "Come now... You'll be over it..." I finally snapped at his words. "Matt, how can i be over, after seeing your death for... 44th time.." I smiled slightly. "Now it's even. I saved you 44 times.. And failed 44 times..." He just looked at me, not bothering to ask what am i talking about. I heard the long beeping of machine, as his eyes closed, and he stopped breathing. Then again, i collapsed on ground, and stared at ceiling... Or more like into the black void, with white writing

Game Over

As awlays, two other writings were on each side. I pointed, at the one to the left


I won't fail again.

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