Chapter - 26

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Hello everyone.

Yes I know its been awhile. I havent exactly been getting many days off work lately. Today I did have a day off, good news is.. I got some writing done. Bad news is...I only got half the chapter done. But because I might not be able to finish the chapter till later this week I figured I'll upload what I have now and Put the next part in this weekend. So.. Enojy!



Bye, Bye Virginity

Chapter 25

Another Week Later...

Damen's P.O.V Continues...

I stared out of the Hospital window; looking to the west as the sun began to disappear behind the large mountain on the other side of McLennan. That same mountain was the place I had brought Stasee and somewhere along that mountain was the cliff that I seemed to find so much comfort in. Usually when I had a lot on my mind, or when I just needed to get away from reality for a while I would go there. But apparently even that cliff couldn't give me the comfort I needed.

Every morning I would watch the sun rise above the ocean on the east side. Each time the sun would rise; so would my hopes. A new day had begun and with this new day my faith in Stasee's awakening would resurface. But as every day came to an end and as I watched the sun set in the west behind those large mountains; it felt like a part of my soul would disappear with it. Each day it seemed to get worse and worse. I would spend almost every day completely emotionless; I couldn't remember the last time I laughed...Well, actually I could. It was four weeks ago; right after Stasee had punched Candise in the face and we were speeding off in my Truck.

The only thing that kept reminding me that I was still human and that I wasn't a complete emotionless psycho path was when I cried. I would sit at Stasee's bedside; staring at her motionless body, praying and begging for her to wake up. But aside from the few tears I shed regularly; my facial expression stayed neutral. My strength to even attempt to fake a smile had vanished; the only time I spoke was to Stasee and I felt like there was a large void inside me. But I knew I would never leave her and I would stay at her side forever if I had too.

I turned back around to look over at the hospital bed in which Stasee laid peacefully asleep. I sighed before slowly walking over to the large bouquet of white lilies that sat on the bedside table next to a cute little brown teddy bear. My fingers trailed along the stem of the flower as I inhaled the fragrant sent I was beginning to grow so use to. Every week I would go to the Hospital gift shop and replace the lilies with new ones.

I let my fingers fall away from the flowers as I moved towards the bed; taking my place on the seat next to Stasee. I reached my hand towards her before intertwining my fingers through her small ones. I rest my head on her bed as I looked up to her closed eyes.

"How's she doing today...?" I looked up to the sound of my brother's voice.

Brandon and Karis were standing in the doorway, hand in hand, looking down at Stasee and I with sympathetic facial expressions. I slightly bit down on my lip before shaking my head slowly.

Karis let go of Brandon as she walked over to the side of the hospital bed.

"Hey Stase." Karis said; trying to sound upbeat. "Me and Brandon are here...We can't stay long because well, him and I are performing in Romeo and Juliet at the school today. Yah we both managed to get the two main roles in the play."

I saw the shimmering wetness that glazed over her eyes as she spoke. Talking to Stasee was always the hardest part; for all of us.

Brandon slowly made his way towards Karis. He gently placed his arm around her neck as he looked down at Stasee, struggling to smile.

Bye, Bye VirginityWhere stories live. Discover now