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Jake sat in the nurses office in his High school. Blood covered his hands and dried tears cloaked his baggy eyes underneath his shades. The nurse got up out of her chair behind her desk and asked with a unemotional tone, "So, what happened to cause you to come to my office Mr.Stride?" He just sat there and looked down at his feet as one of his friends wiped the blood off of his hands.
"Nothing. It's none of your buissness anyways lady." He said muttering under his already scratchy voice. The nurse seemed a little off set by the way that he spoke to her and she walked back behind her desk. She spent most of her day there just reading over emails and looking at pictures of animals. Most of the students hated her for her uncaring aditude to people who sit in her office waiting to go home.
Jake began to smirk as the thoughts about what the kid said to him as he beat him up for laughing when he fell during class. "You are nothing, but worthless trash! You don't belong here!" The kid said as Jake threw his right fist into the kids face with a smirk. The kid next to him stopped cleaning the blood and slowly glanced up at Jake as he heard him chuckling. "Dude, are you okay? You're kind of creeping me out here." The boy said his irises shrinking as he saw the the insane look in his eyes.
As soon as Jake heard the the boy scream he snapped and everything went black. The next thing that he knew was that he was in a strate jacket in the back of a transportation vehicle going who knows where. He tried to sit up and look out one of the two small windows on either side of him, but something yanked on his neck and then made a loud clanging sound as he fell backwards up against the metal wall.

The Day That Changed You(OCx Human!Karkat)Where stories live. Discover now