OMAKE: Terra

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As usual: Beta-ed by NightmareAx7


Tsuna grinned excitedly. The book he held in his hands was the only copy of the book which contained information about the Trium Regna! And he had received it as a birthday gift as well! Eyes shining gleefully, Tsuna gently flipped open the massive book.



The system encompassing the three worlds of life; Caeleste, Tartarus and Terra. As long as the Lords of Caeleste and Tartarus are present, the balance of the system will never collapse. Once every10 millenniums, an angel or demon is given a chance to reincarnate in Terra during a period called the Anima Iterium Period. However, they must undergo a test that only they can face, as each being has its own.


The first world of the Trium Regna. Caeleste is the world of angels, governed by the King of the Celestial Kingdom. The pure souls of humans are directed here from purgatory, where their good deeds are rewarded. The archangels keep it balanced and untainted. All archangels guard an area, as well as The Gate of Caeleste. Humans call this world Heaven, the land of paradise, of which their speculations are indeed correct.


The second world of the Trium Regna. Tartarus is the realm of demons, governed by the Lady of the Tartarean Domain. The tainted souls are directed here where they repent for their sins. The 8 Tartarean Pillars maintain the balance and chaotic order of Tartarus, and are the vessels of the Seven Deadly Sins. Each controls a Ring of Tartarus. Humans call Tartarus Hell, the sea of flames, which is not entirely false.


The third world of the Trium Regna. Terra is a world majorly populated by humans. Only angels and demons qualified by their higher-ups are allowed to enter, and lead souls to do good or coax them into evil. Humans call it Earth.


Tsuna gasped, the book had information about Terra! He quickly flipped to the section of the book for Terra, and when his eyes landed on the first page, longing filled him.


TERRA, the Land of Humans

The third world of the Trium Regna. Terra is a world majorly populated by humans. All humans who live here are mortal, and when they die, Judgment comes to decide whether they go to Caeleste or Tartarus, or in human terms, Heaven or Hell. In Terra, humans may do as they please, however they must never forget that their afterlife destination is determined by said actions. You reap what you sow.

Only angels and demons qualified by their hogher-ups are allowed to enter, and lead souls to do good or coax them into evil. However, direct intervention is prohibited from both races. They are only allowed to influence, not intervene. Fights between otherworldly races are also banned, as the result of the fight may affect Terra itself.

Some humans are soft-bodied and weak of heart, thus they are easily affected by the temptation of demons. Others, however, are extremely strong-minded and content, making them harder targets for demons and precious to angels. But even with that said, 7% of the human populace do not belong to the two groups. These people are the hunters.

~ Hunters
Hunters are a bane to demons, mainly because hunters have taken it upon themselves to purge all demons from Terra, which is utterly impossible. Some hunters are gifted with abilities that can be disadvantageous to demons, helping them in their hunt. Hunters have created organizations that allow them to easily carry out their hunts, the largest being Vongola. However there is one group that only has 7 members and they are the most troublesome for demons. This group is the Arcobaleno, each member being the best in their respective field.

~ Priests
Priests help in keeping away the demons that hunters want to purge from their world. They have a somewhat holy presence and are theorized to have been former angels that have undergone Anima Iterium Reincarnation. When a human confesses or approaches them, a small amount of the holy radiance they hold chases away the demon coaxing the man. And thus, their existence is a nuisance to the demons in Terra.


He turned the page and gasped. A painting of Terra!

The painting portrayed lands covered by green grass and forests, filled with animals and the occasional human. The lands were divided by blue waters, unlike Tartarus' blood rivers. Terra was like Caeleste, but Caeleste was far more beautiful than Terra. A part of the painting showed cities filled with humans interacting with each other, one side dark to show the dark side of every human. In the middle of the city, there was a circle of people holding guns and talismans, the main weapons of a hunter.

Mountains covered with trees were also portrayed in the landscape, towering above the cities and rivers. Above it all was a blue sky and a yellow sun, with white puffy clouds floating about on the left page. The right side showed dark blue, almost black sky, with a white moon in the centre, surrounded by tons of shining dots, apparently called stars.

Oh how he wished to go and see them for himself! But alas, orders were orders, and he would have to wait until he was permitted to go. Sighing quietly to himself, Tsuna closed the book.

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