Zane {Male}

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Its my first day at a new street. I've moved my three boxes inside.

As I begin to unpack, until my doorbell rang through out my house. 

I open the door to reveal a short girl who's head is at my chest. I look down and simply stare at the small girl.

I bend down to her height and ask, "You lost? Do you know where your parents live?"

This made her a little pissed. Soon a shirtless man with a red bandanna around his eyes, wraps an arm around the child and says deeply, "Her name is Aphmau she's your neighbor, not a child. My name is Aaron, I'm a few houses down."

I nod. "Y/n." This caught the potato off guard. She looked at me with a smile on her face. I have a a purple pink mixed hair with matching eyes. My hair is long enough to where it hits my shoulders. I never have it down, unless I'm swimming.

"Come on I want you to meet someone who's gonna like you!" she cheered soon my arm was yanked, luckily my under armor didn't move. I have scars going up and down my arms, so to hide them I wear under-armor under my black and blue sweater. My parents never questioned me. Neither did anyone else.

I was a child who hid their hair and eyes because I use to get picked on. As years passed my own confidence began to disappear. At one point I tried to hang myself. Didn't work. Now I have a scar across my neck where the rope strangled me. I where a white scarf to cover it. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a doorbell ring inside the house. Soon a man with dark hair, and a beautiful light blue eye and dark dress appearance, answered the door. He looks at me and turns a little pink, I do the same. 

I hear a giggle and see the potato did it. I soon turn towards the man who looks back at me. I feel like I can Trust him, so I take off my scarf and pull my sleeves up. Revealing my scars. Aphmau looks concerned, and Aaron is holding her hand a little tighter. The man pulls his sleeves up to and says, "My name is Zane, I use to cut cause I was always in my brothers' shadows. Being the middle child no one really cared that I was there. So I began to give up. Nice to see someone trusts me." He's blushing a storm.

"Y/n. I cut cause of my hair color and my parents never cared for me. So I tried to commit my hanging. That's how I got this scar. The scarf is dragon scales, its fire proof. I never take it out of my sight. It was my first piece of love my pet gave me. Its his scales as well. He's dead now cause his flesh was used for reviving the dead."

"Come inside, I want to become friends, don't be shy, Aphmau is trying to make me more social." He fires a death glare at the now laughing potato.

"So the child is an adult? Never would of guessed. And sure I would like to come in."

I walk in to reveal a black, gray, and white colored home. The door was shut behind my and soon after I was pinned to the wall by the man, our faces were inches apart. As a reflex, I kissed him, he kissed back. I soon wrap my legs around his waist, considering I was a head smaller. We stayed like that until we heard a high pitched scream from the window next to the door. 

I look over to see a pink explosion with black ears and a tail. "Oh no." Zane said he looked at me and looked at our position. He blushed, and I blushed back. 

My puts me down and I fix my hair. Zane opens the door to reveal a small army of people.

Aphmau began to walk in, followed by everyone else.

"Alright, lets start the introductions. Girls first." she announced.

The girls stood up and said there names.

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