Otis Vs Slaughter

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(This part of the story takes place after some of the chapters ahead, but I placed it here to give an example of what this "book" will be like.)

3 years after the The Livestock Elimination Act of 20XX. Otis began to develop a plan to save the livestock, however he requires some assistance from fellow livestock animals in order to add to the succession of his plan. Otis goes to a Slaughter House in Kentucky where he knows a few live cows are being held up for slaughter. He has only 3 hours to save the remaining cows of Kentucky before it is too late. However Otis can't go in unprepared, he'll need a disguise.

5:23pm - 1 hour and 35 minutes before slaughter

Otis arrives at the slaughter house dressed up as a CIA agent named Clyde pretending to examine the cows to make sure they aren't carrying the virus. The owner of the building and business looks at his ID not knowing that it is fake, he allows Otis to enter the building to check the cows. After a little chat Otis makes it to the room with the cows, "Whelp. Here they are." Said one of the men. Otis noticed that the cows weren't being fed and that they had a number of bruises and marks on them, showing signs of abuse. Otis used his persuasive ways to convince the owners of the establishment that the cows must be well cared for before death to prevent the virus from getting onto them and that the cameras would give cancer to the cows with their screen capturing systems which would make the cows ill and more likely to catch the virus. With this false knowledge the owners disabled the camera systems and fed the cows a lot of food, Otis also informed the owners to not slaughter the cows until he gives them permission to, giving him more time to help the cows. However they said that if the word isn't given by one day then they'll slaughter the cows anyways. Otis leaves the building to wait for the building to close.

1:32am - 15 hours and 51 minutes before slaughter

After the building has been closed, Otis arrives again this time without a disguise. He opens up the trunk of his car where he has an owner of the business tied up, Otis takes his keys and uses them to unlock one of the side doors. Otis slowly makes his way to the camera room where he finds a sleeping night shift guard in front of the monitor with the cameras on. Otis sneaks and swiftly takes out the sleeping guard, he looks through the camera feed and discovers that the cows have been moved to the basement with no food or water. Otis watches in anger as a guard stuns the cows over and over. Otis turned off the camera feed and goes across the hall to disable the alarm systems. While in the power room Otis takes out two guards taking the uniform and ID of one of them. He manages to sneak past the others guards and he disables the alarm systems, as he is leaving he makes sure to take down the remains guards in the area to prevent anyone from reactivating the alarm systems. Eventually a worker notices some bodies, Otis chased them down the hall where they try and set of the alarm systems to no avail. Otis walks up to the worker and stares them down asking "Hey buddy, have you ever wondered what it's like to be milked by a machine." Otis then grabs the worker and shoves his head into a automatic milking machine, he then activates the machine at its maximum as it painfully tears off the worker face sucking up all of the blood oozing from the torn veins and arteries. Otis felt no guilt in his torturous actions. He returned to the camera room to destroy the camera system to prevent anyone from reactivating it and noticing a cow on the loose. Otis then continued towards the basement where he finds the abusive guard beating a cow with a whip. Otis slowly walks up behind the guard and grips onto his wrist, the guard turns and quivers as Otis holds his wrist in a bone breaking position. Otis then informs the guard that if he ever thinks that cow lives don't matter, he'll insure that he is both mentally and psychically broken where then he will be brutally and slowly put to death in high discomfort. After that threatening statement Otis snaps the guards wrist and crushes his larynx to prevent his screams of agony to be heard, he then knocks out the guard by bashing his face into the wall. Otis helps the cow up and finds out that the other two were beaten to death, just as Otis introduced himself to the remaining cow suddenly the elevator door opens as four swat members shoot down the last cow. Otis becomes enraged and has to find a way out of the slaughter house, he ran back up the stairs wondering how the police knew he was there. When Otis got upstairs an officer shot at him to try and pin him down only for the bullet to miss and for Otis to violently snap the officers neck, he takes the uniform and his gun. Otis makes it passed two cops having to kill one for seeing through the disguise, when he exits the building he spots that his car is surrounded by police officers as the kidnapped owner tells them everything. Otis grunts and runs towards the back where he finds a singled out empty cop car, he hops in and drives off unnoticed.

Mission Failed

As Otis shuns himself over his failure he decides to drive the police car to a metal dump where he dismantled the car and destroyed all the evidence. Otis goes off to a small coffee shop and secretly kills one of the customers to now disguise himself as until he plots his next plan to save his kind and fellow races of livestock.

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