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I wake up in a bed besides Wendy. I shoot up realizing that I wasn't on the train anymore. I look for Akira and she flies in and sits on my shoulder. I look around for my other teammates and I spot Natsu about to chow down a hamburger. I run over to him and slap the burger out of his hands.

"Hey! If you wanted a bite you could've just asked" he says stupidly.

"Where the hell are we and how did we get here?" I ask.

"Well, the train arrived at our station and you and Wendy were still asleep. I decided to carry you to this hotel room while Happy carried Wendy" Natsu explains.

I cross my arms and give him a glare. "Why didn't my exceed just take me?" I ask.

He ignores my question and just leaves the hotel room. I roll my eyes and grunt angrily. I make my way back into me and Wendy's bedroom to see her sitting up on the bed scratching her head confused.

"We are in a hotel" I say briefly.

She nods and gets out of bed along with her exceed Carla. We make our way down to the lobby to see if our other guild mates were there. To our surprise no one was just a note.

Dear (y/n) and Wendy,

You guys started to take quite a while to settle in so we decided to go ahead on our mission without you. We apologize but we couldn't risk the mission.


"Those jerks left without us" Wendy whined.

I just stood there enraged that they practically beg me to come along on this mission just to ditch me. I think I'll have to pay them a little visit.

I ignore Wendy's comment and just march off to the area where all of us were supposed to catch the monsters. Wendy trots behind me while Akira is trying her best to calm me down. It didn't work.

I was definitely not in the right mind state to think rationally at this point. If things go bad there is no one that is going to be able to stop me. Akira starts to pay my back and constantly repeats "calm down" like I'm some five year old with anger management issues.

After about 20 minutes of walking I spot Erza and where there's Erza there's Team Natsu. Once I saw them I sent out a dark pulse that would make everyone feel like they had weight pressing down on them. Before anyone realized what was happening I went in for the kill. I sent spirals of dark flames toward Gray and Lucy. They went down within seconds, after I finished with them I created dark hellfire that emerged from the ground and hit Erza and Happy. All that was left was Natsu and he tried to fight back. He flung flames towards me but only singed the bottom of my hair. I focused on Natsu and sent a pounding message into his brain that feels like thousands of nails piercing your brain. He fell to the floor in despair. He cried and held his head, I stopped after a minute of that and snapped back to reality. I wanted to make sure I didn't cause everyone serious pain, I didn't but I caused just enough to get my point across.

"Next time, don't ditch us" I said and strutted away.

Wendy looked at me in shock and utter fear filled her eyes. She did not once look me in the eye the rest of the day. 

I went back to the hotel and I noticed Wendy and Carla weren't following me. I must have really scared them, it was just me and Akira like always.

"Don't you think you went a little overboard back there?" Akira asks.

I shake my head and we open the door to the hotel. The lady at the desk calls me over, I walk over to her and she hands my a slip of paper. I take the paper and I run up to my room.

I threw the paper on the floor and raced over to the laptop on my desk. I searched up "Dragon Slayer Festival." I pressed on the first link and it said that the festival was on May 15. That's today.

I slam the laptop closed and pick up my jacket and with that I disappear.

3rd POV

Akira flies up the stairs to find that (y/n) is no longer in her room. She looks around and picks up the crumpled paper on the floor.

Dear (Y/n),

If you really want to meet up with me and catch up I will be at the "Dragon Slayer Festival." Hope to see you there.


Natsu's POV

I open my eyes and the pain is gone along with (Y/n). I look around to see my team lying on the floor either knocked out or in pain. Happy crawls over to me with the last little bit of strength he has.

"This is all your fault" Happy says then passes out.

He's right it was my idea to leave her and a team does everything as one. If I had waited patiently we all could've avoided this.

I pick up Happy and call Wendy over to heal the team.

"I'm so sorry I didn't think (Y/n) would've gone to these measures" Wendy apologizes.

I see a tear slip out from her closed eye but she wipes it away and goes to heal her teammates. I kiss Happy's forehead and run off to find (Y/n).

(Y/n) POV

I run as fast as I can into the town but am extremely disappointed when I see the loads of people at the festival. 'How am I going to find her now?' I shake the thought off and start to search for Mika.

I was constantly pushing through loads of people. The light bulb went off in my head 'I'll use my locator spell.' I tried but because I didn't have a detailed picture of her in my head or anything she owned it was impossible. I stomped my feet in frustration, I looked around even more. I spotted someone that resembled Mika. I ran over to her in an instant but only to find a look alike Mika. I frowned in disappointment and just gave up.

I started to walk away from the festival, but in the opposite way of the hotel not knowing where I was going. I was just going away, away from here. Anywhere but here right now. Mika, the sister I can't remember but will never forget.

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