Licorice x Reader

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Requested by: AdorableTenshi

I hope you like it! Enjoy!

You were walking when you saw Licorice at the candy store. 'This guy's really love candies despite his name to be sweet.' You sweat dropped before you approach him.

"Yo Licorice! What's up?" You looked down at him since he's in his child form. 'So little' You thought. He looked up at you before looking at his candy and started to unwrapped it. Suddenly a foolish idea came to pop up inside your head. Before he could put the candy inside of his mouth you snatch it and eat it, this makes Licorice to glared at you and changed into his adult form.

"Why did you do that?" He asked glaring at you giving you shiver down the spine. Now you're dead.. I told you it's a foolish idea.

"Oh come on Licorice, Chill up" You said trying to calm him down.

"It's just a candy"

"No, It's not just a candy. I bought it!" He's really mad right now. You gulped before backing away. He steps forward and you steps backward. Whenever he steps forward towards, you moved backward. Until you have no where to go, dead end. He leans at your face causing you to blush. Only 1 inch is left and you two would kiss..

"U-uhh.. L-Licorice n-not here" You stuttered out. He raise one of his brow.

"What are you talking about? I'm not doing anything yet" Your face reddened in embarrassment.

Licorice backed away before leaving. You were dumbfounded for a while before you followed him . The two of you didn't say anything. You were just walking silence surround you.

"H-Hey Licorice" You called out but he didn't respond. 'Looks like He's still mad at me' You looked at him for a bit before looking away and continued walking.

-Time skip-

"We're here" You snapped out of your thoughts when Licorice speaks. You looked at him expecting he'll looked at you but he never did. When Licorice was about to leave, you grabbed his hands causing him to stop but never looked at you.

"W-Wait! W-Why don't you eat dinner here in my house? Y-You know your home was far, you might get hungry while walking."

"I can teleport" You suddenly sweat dropped when you remember he can.

"W-Well.. Uhhh... W-Why not taste my new recipe? I-It might help you get your strength back " You have no idea how to make him stay anymore.

"I don't need it, not after you stole my candy"

"We're at it again? Can't you stop thinking about your candy?" You crossed your arms, eyebrows furrowed.

"How can I? If only you didn't stole it. And What about you? Can't you stop babbling about nonsense things?" He said and with that you stop. You looked at the ground, bangs covered you face. You're such a trickster. Because of this stupid brain of yours, you ruined everything.

"R-Right.. Sorry" You said but mumbled the last word before turning around to go through your house. He looked at your retreating figure. You peeped through the window only to see him walking away. You sighed before proceeding to your room to sleep.


It's been 4 days after that incident. You walked kicking the rock when you suddenly saw Licorice with other ......... girl?. You were standing there still looking at them and this got you dumbfounded. Everything became slow motion. When they left everything became normal. You came back to your senses but your heart won't stop beating rapidly also the pain your feeling. You put your hand to your chest, eyes widened.

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