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It’s Saturday night, I’m trying to decide what to wear for my date but I could not decide so I called Lilly.

“Hey” Lilly says when she answers the phone.

“Okay I have a date with Alex what should I wear?” 

“Your light blue tube top in your second drawer, it looks great with your blond hair and really brings out your blue eyes. Your white skinny jeans in your dresser and the black belt you have with those really cute black ankle boots” Lilly says sure of herself. 

“How do you know I own all of that, I don’t even know that!” I say into the phone and she laughs. 

“Okay well I need to go get dressed” I say and hang up the phone. 

Only a few minutes after I hung up my phone rings and it’s Sarah. 

“Hello” I say as I answer the phone. 

“Hey, I heard you have a date with Alex” Sarah says. 

“Yah and I need to get ready for it” I hang up and get dressed.

I’m putting on my lip gloss when the door bell rings and again Rickey answers the door before I can. 

“Hi” Alex says looking around Ricky at me. 

“Hi” I say pushing past Ricky, and Ricky walks away. 

“Before we leave I need to know are you still gonna go on dates with Jammy?” I ask while putting on my jacket. 

“You or her which one do you think I’ll pick” Alex says with his hands like a scale and puts one hand higher than the other. 

“Good point” I say and walk out the door and Alex shuts the door behind me. 

When we get to the car Alex opens the passenger door and I step in his car. Alex walks around the car and gets in. 

“Pretty sweet, right?” he says as he guides his hand along the dashboard. “I got it for my 17th birthday from my mom’s boyfriend, he said I could keep it even if they break up” he smiles. 

“Your lucky I need to buy my own car” I say rolling my eyes.

“That sucks, well lets go see a movie my treat, ha so you can save more money for your car” he says with a grin. 

“Lets do this” I say looking at him, he gives me a body scan checking out my outfit and smiles then he turns to face the road and starts the car. 

When we get there he tells me to wait a second and he gets out of the car goes around the front and opens my door.

“Thank you” I say and step out of the car.

He gives me the scan and smiles again and weirdly so do a few other guys. I have never been checked out by a guy before it feels good to know I look good. As we walk into the theater people look at us, I guess that happens when your seen with the quarterback of one of the best teams. When we got to the ticket line we decided to see Live, Laugh, Love which is a romantic comedy. Alex buys the tickets and we go in the theater. In the middle of the movie Alex slides his hand over to mine which was on my leg and holds on to it. 

We are holding hands for a while and then Alex looks at me and I look back. “You know this is new to me” I say finaley. 

“What, holding hands?” Alex says smiling holding up our hands.

 I chuckle a little “no, being with someone, my dad cheated on my mother and they got divorced. Ever since I try not to fall in love with anyone or like someone because if I do...” I look up at Alex, “I have no control over my heart or feelings they do, and they can break it or screw it up and your left broken. I’m just worried it will happen to me you are the first guy I have been on a date with.” It fells awful letting my guard down and sharing my feelings with someone, I feel weak. 

“Then I guess you haven’t done this before” he starts to lean in for a kiss so I do too, we close our eyes and kiss, and boy was that a kiss.

His lips soft against mine and his hands went through my hair softly and ended up on my back. When we stopped we saw at least ten guys looking at us and one guy nodded at Alex, I blushed and then Alex and I look at each other and laugh. 

OMG! My first kiss was with Alex the quarterback! I mean I have kissed guys before like during truth or dare or for a play but not a real kiss like that. I remember my first kiss was during a truth or dare with Jake Pensin in 6th grade it was so awkward because we didn’t even really know each other and he was in 8th grade. We got out of the theater and Alex threw away our trash we stood there and he looked me in the eyes with his beautiful brown eyes and he leaned down and kissed me. 

When we get home Alex walks me to the door like a perfect gentleman and he leans in to kiss me, our lips where about to touch and it was starting to drizzle. It is the perfect moment I can feel his breath on my face and right before our lips touch Rickey opens the door. 

“Hey sis” Rickey says as if he didn’t by purposely open the door. 

“Hi Rickey” I say with an obviously fake smile.

Alex looks at Rickey as if trying to remind him of some bro code and Rickey looks back as if saying it does not apply to me. 

Alex quickly pecks me on the cheek. 

“Bye Lexi” Alex says as he slowly backs away then he turns around and walks to his car. 

I stand their just staring at his car as he drives away. When I couldn’t see his car anymore I turn around and look at Rickey. 

“You idiot” I begin to yell “I was about to kiss one of the hottest and coolest guys in the school and you, my brother open the door on us! How could you? Isn’t there some sibling code that you don’t ruin each others moments with dates unless asked!” I yell sort of pissed off. 

“Yah but not if he is the biggest player in the world! I did you a favor” My brother yells back and shuts the door with me still outside. 

I knock on the door, “Who is it?” Rickey yells from inside.

“I don’t know who could it be?” I say now really pissed off.

Rickey comes to the door and goes to the window that’s next to it and moves the blinds looking at me and pretends to walk away. Then Rickey opens the door with a big smile on his face. 

“Ug you suck!” I yell and punch him in the arm as hard as I can, obviously not hard enough to hurt him.

“Love you too” my brother says punching me back but not as hard.

“Ug!” I yell as I storm up into my room I slam the door shut behind me. I plop on my bed, an hour later I wake up and get my computer out. I went online and everyone was on, Rachel, Lilly, Sarah, and Molly so I made a chat and added them.

Lovely Lexi: Hi guyz

Soccer Girl: Hi:)

Doggy Lover: <3

Fashionista: heey 

Basket Diva: Okay I’m just gonna say what we are all thinking, how did the date go?

I explained the whole date including the tragic end.

Fashionista: That sounds like a perfect date

Soccer Girl: Except for the ending :( 

Basket Diva: Seems like a gentleman 

Doggy Lover: I told you that outfit would work

Lovely Lexi: Yah thanks 

Doggy Lover: No problem what else are friends for

SundayI go running, I like running but sometimes I don’t. I like clearing my head but it means I have to think. When I think I usually think about bad things. I think about my parents divorce, what if my family was poor, people dying, Ricky going off to collage, me and my friends not being friends anymore or Alex and I breaking up. My head is pounding, my heart is thumping, my feet are aching and my legs are shaking but I don’t stop the pain feels good. I feel sweat on my forehead so I wipe it off. Step step breath, step step breath I repeat in my head breathing heavily as my throat starts to hurt. I feel sweat run down my forehead as the sun beams down on my head. Looking around I see birds flying in the blue sky and flowers swaying in the wind. My feet start to hurt but I’m almost at the finish I see my house up ahead yet it’s so far away. 

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