How am i supposed to train for Nationals when i'm going to highschool?!?

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Everything vanishes as I focus. The crowd's cheer, my coach telling me I can do it, all it is, is me and the floor. Determined to ace this. I tell myself "I can do this. FOCUS!" I take a deep breath in and run as fast as I can. I take a big step, round off, back hand spring, double layout and... A CLEAN LANDING!!! I LAND PERFECTLY!!!!

I come back to reality as the music fades. The crowd is going crazy! My teammates come up to hug me and congratulate me. I can't believe it... I'M GOING TO NATIONALS!!!!!

My friends Bridget, Ray, Julia, and I were walking home after National Tryouts.

"O my god... WE'RE GOING TO NATIONALS!!!" I scream.

"I KNOW RIGHT?!?" Julia shouts. Julia is very pretty. She has brown hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. She's pretty tall and skinny. Doesn't have boobs because she's a gymnast.

"I can't believe I made it number 1!" I was soo happy that I was the top gymnast at The Global Gym.

"I can," Bridget explains. "Come on Payson! You train harder than anybody in the country! When was the last time you went to a party?"

"I go to the Double G's parties all the time!" I defend.

"Yeah and all you do there is train. You haven't had a weekend of your whole childhood! Come on! Let's go to a high school party!" she begs.

"How? We don't even go to high school!" It's true. Since we're professional gymnasts we're home schooled.

"Please! Just one?"

"You can go! I'm not!" Who wants to go and get drunk and hit on just so you can get sick the next morning?

"But it won't be the same without you!" I give her a drop-it look and she sighs in defeat.

"I have an idea! How about we have a sleep over tonight?" Ray suggests. Ray is a laid back type of girl. Deep auburn hair with blue eyes, tall, skinny, and awesome!

Bridget has olive skin with brown eyes and nice body. She has curves but out of all of us I got the best curves. C cups, abs guys love and girls would kill for, and a toned butt. The boobs are a curse though. I have to wear a size a sports bra just to keep them from flying around everywhere. VERY uncomfortable. The coach, Max, gives me the bra cause I keep forgetting. I hate it.

"That's a great idea!" Julia encourages.

"Oh yeah! We're gonna party all night long!" I sang.

As we were crossing the street a car almost rammed right into me. It was a 2005 Aston Martin Vanquish! It was beautiful. And it almost killed me!

"Hey watch where you're going asshole!" I yelled hitting the hood of the car.

The driver opened his window and to my shock it was a boy my age (which is sixteen BTW) and he was GORGEOUS! He looks like a god! NO PAYSON! HE JUST TRIED TO KILL YOU!!! HE IS NOT ATTRACTIVE IN ANY WAY!

"Hey! Don't take it out on the car! It's my baby!"

He demanded.

"Crap." All my friends breathed. They no what's coming. NO ONE orders me around!

... Except Max.

"Well, you almost ran me over! And I figured you'd appreciate me not breaking your face so I took it out on the car.

The guy looked at me closely. I just raised an eyebrow at him. Is he retarded? Out of nowhere he smirked. I take that as a yes.

"Damn. You're hott!"

"UGH!" I rolled my eyes. "Come on." I begged the girls. We started walking again.

"HEY! Don't be like that! Hop in the car and let's have some fun!" He was following us while we walked down the sidewalk. He had all the windows rolled down and he had 3 other HOTT friends checking us out.

I was about to reply when my phone rang. Shawty like a melody started playing.


"Payson?" It was my Max. "I need you guys at the gym NOW!"

"Ok we're down the street! See you in a minute!" I hung up and turned to the boys. "Well would you look at that? We gotta go. Sorry." I said without sympathy. And walked away before he could say anything.

Max looked excited.

"What Max? Just spit it out!" Ray ordered.

"We're doing an exchange with West Ridge High school! We'll be going to the school for four weeks! One week you'll be going to high school, the next they'll be coming here to watch you train! Isn't that exciting?!?"

Everyone was stoked... except me.

"WHAT?!? What about training?!? Nationals are two months away! We. Need. To. Train!"

"You will be training! Just not as much. Girls..." Then he said the words that changed my life.

"You're going to high school."



How am i supposed to focus on Nationals when i have to go to High School?!?Where stories live. Discover now