The Stans are back again.

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Steven was showing Mabel and Dipper around town with all the boardwalk shops and the arcade. 

"And over there is funland." Steven said pointing at the entrance of the boardwalk amusement park.

"Oh that looks fun!" Mabel shouted

"Yeah just as long as it isn't the arcade. Rumble's probably there..." Dipper shuddered 

"Who?" Steven asked

"Rumble McSkirmish... Don't you have him in your dimension?" Mabel asked and Steven shook his head.

"He sounds kinda like Ryu..." Steven said

Suddenly a portal opened up further down the boardwalk. Stan and Ford emerged from the portal. 

"This has to be where they are!" Stan shouted nervously. 

"Hey look at those two guys... They just came out of a portal." Steven said and he pointed at Stan and Ford. Dipper and Mabel turned their heads...

When they turned around and saw the two Stan's they faces lit up and they ran up to the two of them.

"Kids!" They shouted in unison. The pines family then reunited and hugged.

"I have no clue what's going on." Steven said 

After Steven was caught up on who Stan and Ford were Dipper and Mabel had a few questions.

"How did you guys escape?" Dipper asked

"While Bill was searching for you kids I began working on a small invention to free us. After that I simply explored the castle and found tons of portals. Then we got lucky." Ford explained

"Well I'm just so glad you're back." Mabel said smiling

"It's good to be back..." Stan said

"So wait... How am I gonna explain this too the gems..." Steven mumbled

"Gems? You mean like stones? You can talk to stones?" Ford asked curiously 

"No the gems are.... Oh boy this is gonna be a very long story." Steven said and after about 4 hours he explained what the gems were and who he was and answered all of Ford's questions... That he knew the answer to.

"Well it's getting pretty late... Kids we should go back home."  Ford said and Dipper and Mabel's eyes widened.

"Go back! We can't go back until we find a way to beat Bill!" Dipper shouted

"Bill can already travel here. You'll be safer off if we can get you out of gravity falls." Ford said sternly

"We gotta stay here. We're safer here than in our dimension." Mabel said 

"Kids listen to Ford. It's for your own good." Stan said

"We're not leaving!" Dipper shouted

"And you can't make us!" Mabel yelled

"What's gotten into you kids?" Stan asked

"Stan lets go." Ford said and Stan nodded they each grabbed one of the twin's arms.

"More like what's gotten into you?" Mabel asked

"Mabel that's it! BILL!!!"Dipper screamed

"Wait Bill? I've got this! LION!!!!!"  Steven screeched and a portal opened and Lion raced out of it.

"Lion lets show them what happens when they mess with our friends!" Steven shouted and Lion nodded.

Steven summoned his shield and threw it at Ford and Stan's arms forcing them to recoil or get hit by his spinning Frisbee of death. After that Dipper and Mabel ran back and Lion opened up a portal behind Stan and Ford before using it's sonic roar to throw them backwards into the portal before it closed.

"I can't believe Bill has our own grunckles." Mabel said sadly.

"Don't worry we'll find a way to get them back. Maybe Peridot knows how to help." Steven said confidently. 

"I guess we can visit her tomorrow. I'm pretty tired for today." Dipper said 

"Yeah, I could use some rest." Mabel said and she yawned

"Ok we should head back. It's been a long day..."  Steven said in agreement and they walked off.

Later that night Dipper had a hard time falling asleep. He tossed and turn on the sleeping bag. He was worried about how many people Bill had under control. 

"I guess this puts a whole new meaning to 'trust no one'" Dipper mumbled before falling asleep.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, sorry for no update last week, and sorry for more confusion by updating on this book again. School is school and I'll try to update next week too. Until then I hope you all have a nice day. 

Gravity fall's universe(a Steven universe and gravity falls crossover)Where stories live. Discover now