FINAL Author's Note

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Hey guys! It's London Fashion Week this week so I'd like to share an image with you. I saw this picture while flicking through a glossy magazine. It was advertising London Fashion Week, which was that year sponsored by the Mayfair Hotel. I love the chaos of it, but at the same time the glitz and glamour and fashion, but really, it's just a mess. A perfect reflection of my book. It was this image that inspired me to set Stop Me at London Fashion Week in, you guessed it, the Mayfair Hotel.

I really wanted to talk to you guys about this before I make any decisions; Would you like a sequel?

It probably wouldn't be as long, or updated as regularly as I have just started my A levels but I would try and make it work for you guys.

OR..... we could just leave the story where it sits at the end of Stop Me? Perfect happy ending? Or another book? You decide in the comments, guys! I've missed getting regular comments on my book, so feel free to scroll back a couple of chapters and give this book a re-read.

Thank you all again for joining me on this incredible journey.

Tell me what you think!!!



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