The Killer?

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Chapter 17 : The Killer?
~Ciel’s POV~
The carriage drove to the forest, I was with Lau and Ran Mao. “So you left this person to him?” I asked.
“Yes, As much as I want to look after her, I still have a lot of things to do, and there is something odd about her, she keeps on telling “kill, kill every one of those whores” all the time.” He explained.
“I see, did you have the chance to ask her any details?”
“Well no, I can’t seem to talk to her normally and by the way, are you sure your ok without your butler?”
I looked at the window gazing at the trees passing by, “I’m fine, His priority now is my order to find my sister, and besides” I looked back at him with my stoic face. “You said you will protect me while he’s absent” Lau only smiled.
We arrived through town, the carriage stopped. “We are still far away, why did we stop?” I said, The door opened revealing Sebastian.
“Sebastian? W-what are you doing here? Where is my sister?” He looked at me then showed me the horse.
“I saw this horse tied up in the other part of town, It was left behind.” He replied.
I looked at the horse, it was one of our horses. “Are you sure it was left?” he nodded.
“That means she’s only here in town” Lau said. I got off the carriage “We will walk from here,  we might bump into her”
Lau followed me outside, I turned to Tanaka and said. “You go home first, she might go back to the mansion, and if she’s back, make sure she will not go out again.” Tanaka nodded then turned the carriage around. We then started walking
We walked through town, still no sign of my sister, “we are almost nearing that place, but we still haven’t seen her.” I said, I’m really worried about her, after what happened earlier I don’t even know what to do nor what to say when I see her.
“OH Sebby!” We turned to the annoying voice, Grell came running to our side but was stopped by the other annoying reaper by his death scythe and Grell fell to the ground with his literary bloody head.
“Hey Will! You don’t need to be jealous!” Grell yelled at him, William adjusted his glasses then said “I don’t have time for your idiotic moments Mr, Sutcliff” he looked at us with displease in his eyes. “Well If it isn’t Mr Phantomhive.”
I don’t have time for this! I need to find my sister!, I gave him a glare then turned around “Let’s go!,  we must not waste any time!”
“Do you know them earl?” Lau asked. “No” I simply replied.
“Are you going to get Jessy?” My eyes widened then turned to Grell, I have forgotten that she’s friends with this Idiot! I went to his side then grabbed his coat “Where is she!” I yelled, he gave me his toothy grin.
“Oh so you don’t know?” He mocked. My anger rise up “ You!” I clenched my fist then smacked him, but before it hit his face, Sebastian grabbed my wrist then smiled.
“Let me handle this young master, you don’t have to hurt yourself” he stepped forward and let go of my hand as he looked at Grell “Mr Sutcliff, will you please tell us where Lady Jessica is? We need to find her as soon as possible” he said seducing Grell.
“Oh I will tell you! But under one condition.” Grell began pouting his lips then said “If you kiss me I will tell you where she is!”
I saw Sebastian’s face became pissed. I looked at Grell angrily, “Sebastian! Beat the hell out of this man until he tells us where Lady Jessica is!”Sebastian smirked then started cracking his knuckles “As you wish my Lord”
“H-hey! You can never hurt a Lady right Sebby?” Sebastian sneakered then replied. “Of course I don’t” Grell smiled getting his hopes up “But you’re an exemption” Grell’s smile disappeared, before Sebastian could take action, William’s scythe stretched out assaulting Sebastian which surprised him.
Sebastian evaded the scythe by jumping backwards. “Seriously, I don’t have time for this” William adjusted his glasses again then gave us a glare. “If you’re looking for her, she’s with Undertaker.”
My eyes widened.”She’s with who?!” I yelled ‘This is bad! This is really bad!’
“Earl, We must hurry, that person is also with him!” Lau said, in a calm but concerned voice.
I looked at Lau nervously then at Sebastian, Sebastian nodded then we run off leaving the two reapers behind.
~Jessica’s POV~
Me and William entered Undertaker’s Place. We saw Grell hugging the Undertaker. “Grell?”
He looked at me then said “Oh Jessy darling~ what are you doing here?”  he asked giving me his toothy smile, then he noticed William
“Wait! Why are you with my Will?” he yelled.
“Oh him” I pointed at William then said “Well I thought I heard your voice earlier so I followed it, but instead of seeing you I saw him on his knees looking for his glasses and I helped him, and since I ran away from home and I have nowhere to go I asked him If I can go with him instead, but he said he will just bring me to someone he knows, that’s why we are here. “ I explained catching my breath
He looked at me curiously then as if coming back to reality he yelled at me “WHAT! You run away?!” he asked even Undertaker looked at me curiously.
“Well It’s a long story, and I don’t want to talk about it.” I said lowering my head, Grell grabbed my hands then said. “Deary, you can stay with me if you want”
William poked Grell with something in the head making him bleed. “Hey what was that for!” Grell yelled at William “you’re noisy Mr. Sutcliff! And it is rather rude to our senior” he looked at Undertaker then bowed.
“Good afternoon Sir, I am here to retrieve those books” Undertaker turned and went to his counter, he started rummaging then pulled out 3 books then went back to our side and handed it to William.
“Here you go,  you can leave now, and bring your red hair friend also.. and” he looked at me giving me his wide smile. “You can leave her here, I will take care of her.”
William bowed at Undertaker “Very well I will leave her in your care.” He looked back at me then bowed “It is nice meeting you Ms. Phantomhive.” He turned to Grell “Let’s go Sutcliff!”
Grell pouted “AWW! Can I stay a little longer?” he said while hugging me. William grabbed him by his hair and started dragging him away. “Hey will! Not my hair! I have hands you know! And i still need to say goodbye to Jessy!”
“No need, we still have a lot of work to do!” He said.
I looked at them speechless “Are they always like that?” I asked “Who knows” Undertaker replied. I looked at him then hit him in the head really hard.
“OW! What was that for love?” he asked rubbing his head where I hit him, I gave him a dark glare “Oh have you forgotten the kidnapping Ciel incident?”
He grinned then grabbed my wrist pulling me closer to him then snaked his free arms around my waist which made me blush. “How about we talk it over with some tea?” I looked away then said “Fine”
I watched him tending a man’s body while I sip the tea he prepared for me with some of his home made bone shaped biscuits. “How did that man died?” I asked tilting my head to the side. “Heart attack” he replied.
I put my tea aside then moved in closer to the dead body but not too close. “Let me have a wild guess” he looked up at me curiously “he died from heart attack while having ... sex” I grinned.
Undertaker laughed madly I giggled. He turned to me then gave me his wide smile. “Are you perhaps a diviner love?” I looked at him, then my eyes widened “Wait so my wild guess is correct?”
He giggled “Exactly” My mouth dropped, I was just messing around and I guessed it correctly, I looked at the dead man, he was maybe 40 something “That’s an odd way to die”
“Well love death is sometimes amusing, it can come from different ways.” He said.
“Can I help you?, I mean not .. the.. body.. Uhm Flowers! Yes flowers! Just like the last time!” I went directly to where he stored his flowers but he stopped me.
“No need love.. I don’t have flowers right now” I looked at him curiously “But the flowers came earlier after William and Grell left”
“Oh yes!, but I already finished making this man’s flowers”
Ok this man is just making excuses, I raised an eyebrow “Are you hiding something in there?”
“No nothing!” he grinned then grabbed my shoulders and turned me around “Now love you stay there and drink your tea” he forcedly sat me on the coffin I was sitting earlier then he went back to work.I eyed him, ‘just what is inside that flower room?’
I looked at my tea then got an Idea. I accidentally dropped the beaker with tea ‘well purposely’, he looked at me
“Oh my, I’m sorry!” I said panicking “No worries love, I’ll clean it up”
“No! I’ll go clean it! We don’t want you tending that dead body with your dirty hands right? Uhm the mop is in the kitchen right? I’ll go get it!”
I run to his kitchen not asking for permission. When I got inside the kitchen, the doorbell rang I then heaedr Ciel’s voice calling Undertaker ‘ Good! Ciel is here!, no wait! That is not good.! Well that is good he can distract undertaker for me’
I looked around to find the other entrance that connects to the flower room to the kitchen, he once said to me that those two rooms are connected.
“Where is my sister?” I heard Ciel asked. “She’s here,” Undertaker replied. ‘GOD Undertaker! Do not spit anything out!’ I panicked looking around to find the door ‘Damn it! Where is that door!’
“Well? Where is she?” Ciel asked again. “Oh I will tell you, but first give me a good laugh!” Undertaker said between giggles.
I spotted something on the wall, It looks like a hidden door. I pushed the box that is on the door’s way, carefully, making sure I don’t make too much noise. I pushed the wall lightly then light came out “Jackpot!”
While Ciel and Undertaker having their Conversation I quickly went inside the other room, I closed the door then stood up straight, shivers went down my spine as if someone was looking behind me darkly.
I looked around then saw a woman glaring at me, her chestnut brown hair that goes past her shoulders, her grey eyes staring at me intently as if looking right into my soul.
“YOU!” she said and held her hand up, she was holding a scissor, the tip of it pointing at me “You must die!” She run towards me then began to swing attack, I evaded her by jumping to my left, she looked back at me again
‘What the hell is wrong with this girl! What is Undertaker thinking of hiding someone like this and why would she want to kill me?!’
She attacked again I run to my left but I tripped because of the ribbons tangled on my feet “DIE!”  she swing her hand towards me, I yelled “HELP!” I was waiting for a stab but I heard the girl hissed, I looked up to see Sebastian gripped the girl’s wrist
“Milady are you alright?” He asked in concern
“Jessica!” I turned to my right to see Ciel with a shocked face, he run towards me “Jessica are you hurt? He asked, tears rolled down my face “Ci..el”
~Sebastian’s POV~
“Undertaker!” young master called. “Why Earl what brings you here?” he asked
“Where is my sister?”
“She’s here” he said Grinning at us
“Well? Where is she?”
“Oh I will tell you, but first give me a good laugh!” he replied giggling I want to rip this man’s head off!
“Don’t waste my time Undertaker! I need to see my si-“ we heard a loud thud. “YOU!”
“What was that?” Young master asked shocked. Undertaker started running somewhere. we followed him and he opened a door revealing a room full of flowers, we saw lady Jessica lying at the ground looking at another girl with an horrified expression.
“DIE!” the girl said then swing the thing she was holding at Lady Jessica. I acted quickly and run towards the girl and grabbed her wrist stopping her form assaulting.
“Milady are you alright?” I asked in concern. She looked at me shocked
“Jessica!” young master called. We both looked at him, he run towards Lady Jessica.
“Jessica are you alright?”
“Ci..el” she said then fainted. Young master caught her. “Jessica!” young master cried.
“Kill! I must kill her!” the girl I was holding said, I gripped her tightly making sure she can’t escape my grasp. I turned the girl around and looked inter her eyes. ‘Just like lord Lau had said, she’s not in her right mind.’
“Young master” I called, he looked at me still holding Lady Jessica “seems like this girl is under hypnotism.”
“Seems like the criminal is using others to kill their prey” Lau said
The girl keeps on hissing and growling trying to escape my grasp “KILL! KILL! KILL!” She cried. I hit her in the head making her faint. “We better tie that girl up before she wakes up” young master said as he puts his coat on Lady Jessica.
“Let me help you Earl” Lau offered then picked up Lady Jessica
“I have a room upstairs follow me” Undertaker said and gestured them to follow him
Young master looked at me “Can you remove the hypnotism from that girl?” he asked “Yes” I simply replied
He turned around and followed them outside. I grabbed some ropes from inside the room and tied her up. I lifted her face and examine every features of the girl as I looked at her I smirked. “My my, this girl”
Authors note:
Yay another chapter! I’m sorry for the long updates, but I’m trying to release them with a 1 week time frame. And yes the killer is nearing! >:D I’m almost at the climax of the story! WAhahaha! And that means this story is going to end soon  T_T. Next week I won’t be updating this story since everyone is waiting for the next chapter release of “My Crow” so I’ll be updating that first. Until next time my dear readers! I love you so much! *Hugs everyone*

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