Hikari and Kurai

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Chapter 1 OUR STORY

Hi I'm Hikari and this is the story of me and my brother Kurai. We start many years ago, me and him work as bounty hunters at the tower of heaven. Our parents died because of our uncontrollable magic. He's a fire wizard and I'm an ice wizard and one day we were playing and I stabbed my mother with an ice sickle and are dad died in a house fire Kurai created we were only 5 years of age. The people at the tower took us in and trained us into vicious killing machines. Years later we were becoming very strong and then we became rich. Then we got this one job.

Chapter 2 THE GIRL

The job was to kill this couple that escaped from building the tower of heaven. It was many weeks and were having no luck in finding them. Then one day we found them and we saw that they had a child and we didn't know what to do so we went back to the tower and they paid us more to kill the child. So we got some extra help are little brother kage he was 3 when are parents died and the men didn't take him in so I still wonder what happen to him.

So we picked up our brother and went back to the family's house. When we got there they were playing outside. Then when the mom went back in the house Kurai set the house on fire killing her. The father went to help her but he was too late Kurai's fire spreads 10 times faster than regular fire. I fought the father he was such a graceful man and he died by my hand. I still wish I didn't kill him he was such a nice man. Kage can travel through shadows so he was going to get the girl from behind and then I looked into the girls eyes filled with tears and I couldn't do it so I called off Kage and we ran far away so the men at the tower couldn't find us.

But later the men sent scouts and they found the house burned down the mom and the dad died but they couldn't find the girl so they said we betrayed the tower so they put a spell on me and Kurai bounding us together so he can be out or I can. The spell also stopped us from ageing.


It was years after the spell and we found a place to call home. We were happy, Kage would let us in his shadow so we could go to school. Kage got a medical degree, I got a weather degree, and Kurai got an Exercise and sports science degree. So we're always in shape always healthy and we always know the weather. One day Kurai broke his arm working out and Kage was working on it and men showed up in suits. They asked us are names are family members. They walked in and sat down on the couch I got them some coffee and they asked us some more questions. Later they asked us about the tower ant then I know something was up. I asked them how they know about us and the tower and they came at us with knifes.

We fought and kage got stabbed and Kurai snapped and dominated the men. The men died and so they couldn't go back to the tower to give them the news about us. We know they would send scouts so Kurai burned down the house I took medical school but didn't finish so I fixed Kage.

Chapter 4 MY DEATH

About 6 years later we found a new place to call home and maintained low profile for about 3 months then Kage fell in love with a girl named Katlin. They were dating for 6 months and the men at the tower found us and killed her and created a side of kage I've never seen and let's just say that the men died but that's an understatement. We went to her funeral and said goodbye to her parent then we burned down are house and moved on.

We found another home and Kage was not doing well so we tried to cheer him up but never worked. After work he would go up into his room and stay there all day. We try to find a replacement for Katelin but that also didn't worked. One day he came out of his room crying and ran up to me and hugged me so I just hugged him and did whatever I could to keep him happy. Kurai was always at work so he was only home at night when I was up late trying to predict the weather for work.

One day a girl that Kurai trained came to our house to have dinner and I think Kurai liked her but it's hard to read Kurai. After dinner she went home and then a bomb went off in our house. Kurai didn't get hurt Kage was at work but I was slowly dying by the fire and since I was ice I was melting. Kurai finally found me I was half melted and out cold. He tried to lift the big piece of wood on top of me but it was too heavy for him. When Kage got home it was too late.

Chapter 5 THE ANGEL

Kage tried to revive me but couldn't and a girl showed up and saw me laying on the floor and saw Kage and Kurai crying and asked why they were they crying they said because I'm dead. She bent down and kissed my head and I was healed. They couldn't stop thanking her for what she did. When I woke up the girl was gone, Kage and Kurai were hugging me. I asked what happened and they told me.

So we moved again, found another home but we know it wouldn't last. I got a job at the weather station, Kurai got a job at the gym, and Kage got a job at the local hospital. So we never became broke because of moving. Kage has saved many lives since he started working at the hospital, Kurai stopped obesity in the city, and because of me the city always knows the weather. We were happy and prayed that it would last.

One of Kage's coworkers showed us church and we attended, me, Kage, and Kurai gave our lives to Christ. We later became a part of a small group and told them are life and instead of leaving like all of our therapist the stayed and helped us through are problem.

Chapter 6 PRISON

One year later, we were having an amazing life here good jobs, amazing friends, and the men haven't come for us in years. We had dinner at their houses and started serving in as leaders in youth groups. Kage got a promotion from nurse to doctor, Kurai is now the manager of the gym, and I was also promoted to head of the weather division. Life was going pretty good ever since we meet Christ.

One day a building burned to the ground and all fingers pointed to Kurai but Kage and I could prove that he was innocent but they thought we were just trying to protect our brother. Kurai was sent to prison for arson and was sentenced to 15 years. I, Kage, our home group and all our youth groups came to the prison to pray for Kurai.

About 3 months into his sentence a man visited Kurai in prison and they talked Kurai never told me what they talked about, but I know it had to do with the building burning down. The next day a man in a suit went to the prison and paid Kurai sentence and left he just left never said hi, bye, you're welcome, he just left.


A year after Kurai's freedom he had to work his way back up to the manager. Kage was saving more lives every day and I was voted best boss. So God has been good to us. But it finally stopped when the men from the tower came back this time not alone

We were out numbered 100 to 1 but then a man another wizard on one knows his name but he goes by kill streak. He was a weapons wizard so he helped us fight off the men. He held back the men long enough for us to get away before we left, we left a letter to are church telling them that the men came back and donated 100,000 dollars to the church.

We moved to a town that had a magic guild called fairy tail. We applied and got in except Kage so he just stuck in are shadow we meet a girl named Mindori she was the first one to come up to us and talk to us we also meet yuro, gray, patty and ezra. Kage fell in love with yuro but she had a boyfriend. Kurai fell in love with Mindori but Kurai snapped and try to kill them and lost Mindori's trust. I left them for a while so I could tame him, but as we were talking the men from the tower came back. They all most killed me but Kurai saved me but they broke his arm and leg and he walked all the way back to the guild and when he got there Patty and Mindori weren't happy to see him they healed him but just to save me.


Yuro change Kurai and they became friends and I stated dating Patty. Kage and Yuro met each other and Kage told her he liked her. Guess who Ezra turned out to be the girl whose parents we killed all those years ago it turns out that her father told her if someone was to kill him to give them this dagger it was a dagger had a flame that goes down the middle of the blade. She didn't kill us because she believed that we changed.

A man that Yuro believes to was been created to ruin her life shows up and stabs her. Kage and I heal the stab wound and she tells us who he is. Later he comes back and we fight him off this time but I was stabbed in the chest. Yuro was like the girl that saves my life all those years ago. One more time Jake comes back and this time he takes yuro back to her old guild.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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