Revenge and much more

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no ones pov

a tall stick like figure of a man stood in the center of the gothic den which was decorated with colours of black and gray which seemed to match the man's appearance as well as dressed from head to toe in a black robe and his death grey skin seemed to make his amber eyes more out of place whenever you looked at those eyes you wonder what a bright colour doing on a man like this but the thing  was that he wasn't a man no he was Pitch black the nightmare king!

he smoothly walked to a giant black metallic  globe which was  scattered with tiny glowing lights he gave it a toothy grin he began to get lost in pleasing thoughts when suddently he was rudely disturbed by a woman dressed in a ruby red dress quite young with frizzy night like black hair ''what are you doing here so early " he asked suspiciously " well pitch i just got bored from waiting so i thought i drop by see how its going"she said

" oh stop patronizing me you just wanted to make sure i didn't do anything behind your back" said pitch mockingly 

"well you're not the most trusting person i know "said gothel as she  walked smoothly around the globe making her fingernails step on the lights "i ' ll take that as a complement" said pitch  with a grin " where's old grizzly " 

"i dont know somewhere sharpening his teeth for  when he rips that  red head apart can't say i'm not going to enjoy watching him do that  , what nerve coming out of nowhere making my chances of taking rapunzel disappear'' angrily said gothel, pitch just laughed and then with a sigh said "dont you feel pleased that finally we get a chance to make those blasted kids pay i myself will make sure jack frost never sees happiness again ''

well you're not the only one who wants them to cry i'm going to make my sweet flower pay '' said gothel dangerously as the lust of vengeous danced  in her eyes making pitch smile as he too thought of the pain he will cause jack ''because of you i lost frost , you took everything away from me my happiness so now i'm going to take away yours" thought pitch 

gothel who was once smiling now her face clouded "what if he helps them again, like he always does "

"who?" questioned pitch 

with an irritated sigh she said '' you know who pitch , the man in the moon you talk about he always interferes and spoils everything"

"him" said pitch as if the man on the moon was nothing but a mere child " he wont be a problem anymore"

"hmmm i'm still not convinced "she said critically

"gothel ,gothel, gothel  look around us we have power now power none of those guardians will ever have power that none of those do gooders know exists 

"and have you forgot are new friends" said pitch deviously 

gothel frowned and said "i havent met them "

''but you will in a few hours from now '"said pitch

"how are they" gothel asked curiously 

 "Powerful" said pitch

''they will give us what we wanted for years " he said

"sweet sweet revenge" said gothel deviously. pitch slowly   walked over to the small space through with shimmering silver light was coming though and flicked his wrist so mounds of black sand covered the space making the whole room utterly black

"and much more "said pitch as he laughed  wickedly

So what did you think ? sorry i haven't posted in a while busy with tests ok so i saw my grammatical and spelling errors and i ask a humble apology from all sorry truly and thank u for reading and bearing with  me :0:) also i hope this is not becoming boring  and long please review to let me know and new chapter coming soon love u readers :)

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