Part 1

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Hi guys, this is my new story that I'm actually going to right. I have a computer now so I'll be able to type on my computer and not my phone. Once I publish this I will be look for someone that can edit this story so if you know anyone or you are that someone please let me know!!! Also I want to say that everything in this story is made up and has nothing to do with anyone except the boys of One Direction will be in this book so they are really people obviously.

(Emilys) POV

Just as summer was about to end it got interstesting, sudently I had more then 2 friends and I guess you could say I was popular.  I was going into middle school that year I rememer being excited to start someing new! Maybe get some more firends, get smarter and not feel so bad about my self! For now lets say 5th grade wasnt the best year for me and I would love to forget about it, but the problem is I cant. I remember the last day of summer like it was yesterday, I woke up to my aunt yelling my cousin name and my name from downstairs,
"Olivia, Emily get down stairs we have to get clothes for school tomorrow"
"Mom we are coming" answered  Olivia.
We rushed out the door that day with not even time to check the video we posted on youtube yesterday, did I mention that already, well Olivia and I posted a video of us singing "Who Says" by Selena Gomez. It definitely wasnt are decision to post a video my aunt heard us singing and kinda made us, its ok we had fun doing it thats all that matters.

we arrived at the mall that afternoon, going in and out of stores, trying on diffrent things and of couse buying what we liked. The one thing that made this trip diffrent was in the last store we went in a little girl came up to us and new our names and asked for a picture which dosent make sence in my eye because I couldnt get the 27 kids in my 5th grade class to remember my name, and this little girl did. In that momnet we didnt even think to ask how she new our names we just went with it.

when we got home that night Olivia and I went on the family computer, belive it or not we didnt have smart phone, Olivia didn't even have a phone for that fact. We logged into intagram where we see over 300 new requests and the 20 people that did follow me liked all my photos, that day I remember thinking there was a mistake, but in that day if I could have  none what that one video that  we posted the night before would have done I wouldnt have shown my face in it.

first chapter done its comply the same story line as one of my other storys I started but never finished. this one will be a lot better hopefully. I will also keep righting it so thats a pluse.

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