Frozen 2

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I walk to the stables all by myself. I don't want to talk to Anna right now. I'm still mad at her for what she did.

Anna always fusses about coming with me. All summer long, I wasn't even allowed to walk to Kristoff's market without her, or at least without her permission. Which doesn't make sense because, c'mon, I'm the Queen, I shouldn't need permission. But Anna has been a very persistent girl since last summer, when that whole freezing the kingdom fiasco went down. You would think that she would trust me after I unfroze her heart, but she still had to enroll me in this stupid school.

"It's such a nice school!" Anna said to me this morning. I had been complaining about it all summer, and now that the day finally arrived, I was really dreading it. "I mean, it's a school for people just like you! You can relate to them, make new friends, all while learning how to control your powers!"

I looked over at Kristoff. His eyes hadn't left the floor. He was afraid that if he talked, someone would be mad at him, and if it was either me or Anna that was mad at him, it wouldn't be a good thing. He's afraid to get me mad because he's afraid I'll freeze him, and Anna, well, she's Anna.

It was like this the last time we argued about this. And the time before that. And the time before that.

The first time Anna introduced me to the school, she wasn't alone. The Head was with her. The Head was, as you guessed, the head of the school. Anna had took it upon herself to write a letter to the damn school, telling them all about my powers, and the Head showed up a week later.

For some reason, instead of talking about what I would actually be doing at the school, the Head thought it was necessary to talk about transportation. "You would have to get yourself there," The Head stated, "I mean, you've frozen a whole city, Elsa. Surely you can manage a long horse ride."

How many times had I been over this? I hadn't meant to freeze the city. I'm a girl, I got emotional, what more can I say? It still haunts me in my nightmares though. To think that I could do that....

I get to the stables, then have an anti-mint. It's like a mint, but the opposite. Instead of giving you a cool sensation, it burns your tongue. Kristoff made them for me. It calms me down, makes it less likely for me to freeze something. I had him make me hundreds, which are now in the carriage.

Once I mount my horse, I try to relax. I focus on my sack bouncing up and down in my lap. Soon though, I look somewhere other than straight ahead. The whole kingdom seems to be watching me go. They're all cheering, smiling, waving to me. I put on a fake smile and wave back at them.

Stupid Arendal people. Stupid stupid stupid. They probably won't even be able to manage while I'm gone. I'll be hearing from Anna how crazy it is, and she'll beg me to come back. Hopefully.

This whole thing is stupid. My powers are stupid, this school is stupid, everything. I know I shouldn't be saying that; My powers are a blessing! Say the trolls and Anna and practically everyone else.

I look behind me to make sure the carriage is on right. I don't even bother trying to relax anymore. The closer I get to Narvik, the more restless I feel. I think about jumping off of my horse and running away again. I could get pretty far before someone realizes something went terribly wrong.

But wait. I can't always run away from my problems. I have to face them head on. In school apparently.

"Practice on small things," Anna had suggested when I told her I was nervous about this school thing.

"There's nothing small in this goddamn palace Anna. Everything in here is humongous and expensive."

"Well practice on them then, in this goddamn palace," Anna retorted, rolling her eyes at my ridiculousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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