My 1st Day

13 1 0


( Iloena unnie)[wake up unnie]

*yawn* Good Morning world- me

i already got up take a a bath change clothes go downstairs

good morning appa umma-me 

morning -appa

good morining aegi ready for later -umma

oh yeah i forgot  later ill go to the philipines hayzz


Im now here in my school 

anyounghaseyo sumin *bow* -me 

anyounghaseyo mia sshi *bow* - sumin 

anyoungahseyo joon oppa *bow* -me

anyoung dongseang-joon

i have bad news-me

what is it-sumin

later ill go to the philipines for my payback to my parents-me



we're gonna miss you-sumin

yeah dont worry maybe we will go visit you there but how many months will you stay their?-joon

1 year - me

 nowayyy -sumin

i know right- me



bye guys gotta go i should't be late in my flight -me

anyoung we're gonna miss you-sumin

dont worry we will see each other again dont cry you'll become ugly if you cry-joon

haha im glad both of you guys have been my bestfriends ill come back here after with that stupid payback -me

sure you will -joon 


Anyoung aegi we're gonna miss you- umma 

me too - me

also me im gonna miss you very much-appa

huhuhu me too appa saranghae both of you-me

saranghae aegi-umma at appa

be careful-appa


hayzz  Im now here in the philipines 


whoose that shouting i turned around  owh its stacy my cousin 

unnie i miss you long time no see-stacy

you too- me

you've become more prettier- stacy

you too -me

haha but you're the best come lets go now to your mansion hayzz mia unnie is sooo rich you have you own mansion -stacy

hehe- me

come lets go do you still remember all the tagalog words i'd teach you -stacy

yeah i already know how to speak a little cause ive learned it from the internet hehe-me 

good -stacy


 andito na kame ngayon malapit sa mansion ko so excited na ako haha

My worst guyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon