Chapter 1: First Meeting

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Okay, before the story starts, i just wanted to say that the story is quite short, soo... Don't get your hopes up.
Also, this story includes choices. I was motivated, as i said in the, whatever menu it was when you read a story for the first time.
Now, let's begin! The story starts with you, the reader's POV and third person POV. You're 8 years old, and Akutagawa is 9 years old.

EDIT: I finally remembered! I was motivated to do the choice thingy from nohrianslut! I wrote the way he/she wrote it, because i was too confused... anyway, go ahead and follow nohrianslut and read his/her awesome story!!!


You were walking down a street, like you always do in the morning. You always passed an alley, it was dark and mysterious, yet calming. However, this time was different. There was a strange presence in there. An EVIL presence.

Out of curiosity, you decided to go in there, walking slowly. You keep walking deeper and deeper, then you suddenly stopped. "...who?" You mentally ask yourself. You heard light coughing, which made you stop walking.

You sneaked up behind a barrel, and take a peek. "A... boy?" From there, you could see a boy, older than you, sitting on a box. His head was hanging down. His right hand was covering his mouth, and the other was touching his stomach. You suddenly heard a grawl. It came from the boy. He was hungry. "Aw... poor boy..."

You sneaked out of the alley, and ran towards a bakery. You bought 3 big breads, and 2 water bottle. You ran out the bakery, and towards the alley, with a plastic bag in your hand. Then you finally arrived in front of the alley.

You started walking slowly. You were going deeper, and deeper, until you were standing 5 meters in front of the boy. "Um, excuse me?" You said in a heartwarming tone, trying to get some attention.

"What do you want?" The boy asked in a cold tone. "Well, i saw you here just sitting alone, and--" you were being cut off by the boy. "Enough with the petty talk. What. Do. You. Want?" The boy asked once again, taking out a knife and pointed it towards you.

Choice Time!

A) i just wanted to give you this.

B) *stay quiet and hands over the plastic bag*

C) Uh, I, um, i, i'm here t, to g, give you t, this!


A) "I just wanted to give you this. Here" you said as you handed him a plastic bag. "Why do you care about me? You don't even know me" he said in a cold tone. "So many of the rich ignores the poor. And so few of them cared about the poor..." you said with a sad smile.

The boy's eyes grew wide. This girl he's seeing isn't like the others. She was calm, brave, and heartwarming. She helped him even though they just met. She stayed calm even with the boy's threat.

"And you're one of the few rich that cared for the poor?" The boy asked. You simply nodded. "I always hate seeing the poor people. I hate to see their poor condition. So if i could just change it so that they would be happy, even for a few minutes..." the boy stares at you dumbfouded. 'Such a kind young girl...' he thought.

"Are you going to see what's inside the bag now?" You aked. He looked at you, then at the bag. His eyes went wide in shock again. Without thinking, he took one of the bread and started eating it.
You just giggled softly.

"Thank you..." the boy said in a low tone. You looked at himm then you smiled. "Don't eat them all once, okay? Save it for the afternoon and evening" you said. The boy nodded, and said; "you haven't ask my name. Is it because you already know me?"

"Bingo" you said. Then you left the alley, and the boy, Akutagawa. 'Don't worry, Akutagawa-nii. I'll bring more for you tomorrow'

B) you stayed quiet, and handed over the plastic bag. The boy just look at it, confused. He opens it, and started drooling. He wants to eat it, but he's still confused. "Why do care so much about me? We just met" the boy said

Hearing this, your drew a smile on your face. "I'm one of the few rich who cared for the poor" the boy looked at you dumbfounded. "But you're so young! How old are you? 7?" He asked. You shook your head.

"8," you said shortly. "And age does not change the fact that the rich can help the poor" you said with a smile, pointing the plastic bag. "...can i really eat this?" The boy asked, clearly, he was still unsure. "Go ahead, Akutagawa-nii" you said with a smile as you started walking away.

"Thank you..." you heard him say. You stopped, and turned around. "Anytime" you said with a smile. "Save the breads for the afternoon and evening, okay?" Akutagawa nodded. Then you left. "I'll bring more for you later" you whispered to yourself.

C) "Uh, I, um, i, i'm here t, to g, give you t, this!" You said as you lifted the plastic bag. "Tch, you're the same as everyone else; a scaredy cat" the boy mumbled. Unfortunately, you heard it. "I maybe a scaredy cat, but i have a difference, Akutagawa-nii" you said.

"And what is it?" The boy, Akutagawa asked. "I helped the poor, just like a few other rich people" you said proudly. "Now, go ahead and eat. Save it for the afternoon and evening" you said as you walk away.

"Thank you..." he said. You turned around with a smile on your face. "Anytime"


Aaand chapter one is done!!! I won't be writing this with Riliane's help (huehuehue), so, sorry, Riliane.

Aaw, but I know you'll call me when you need me to write something sad.

I'll try not to. I want to learn all by myself.

You can't learn without someone else's help, yanno?

Okay, okay! Fine. But we shall see soon enough.

Alrighty then.

Well guys, hope you enjoy, if you do, please leave a comment and vote! Bye bye!

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