Wife to Wayne Rooney (Manchester united/England national team). Date of birth: April 3, 1986 Age: 30 Nationality: English Mother to: Kai, Klay and Kit Instagram: @coleen_rooney
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Coleen met Wayne while they was 12, but it took Wayne four years to pluck up the courage and ask Coleen to be his girlfriend. For their first date they went to the cinema to watch Austin Powers 2. In 2003, at the age of 17 Wayne proposed to Coleen at the front of a petrol station.
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Years later Wayne admitted to sleeping with prostitutes, but Coleen stuck with him. The couple now have three children who are: Kai (born in 2009) Klay (born in 2013) and third son Kit (born in 2016).
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PeopleusetohateonColeenbecausesheusedtoliveonanestateandweartracksuits. Theycalledherachav. She'saboss 💸💸. Sheseemshellanicetoo and their family is legit goals because they are cute and I want 3 sons (and 2 daughters). 😍😍