My soul mate and mortal enemy?

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Nononono! This can not be happening. No no no!

Bel-beth, calm down what's wrong? Sam asked, aware of my distress along with the rest of the pack who were listening to my mental break down.

Calm down! CALM DOWN! I just imprinted. On my ex vampire boyfriend, who is also my mortal enemy and you want me to calm down! I screamed before freezing. Edward must have heard all off that. No, no no no!

Bella please stop saying no its giving me a headache and the leech is to busy sulking to be listening to us. Jacob soothed as a image of Edward leaning against a tree, facing away with his hands buried in his pockets filtered through the pack link.

Thank god!

Bella, you realise you're going to have to live with them now right? You physically can't be away from you imprint for more than a day and even during that time it's uncomfortable. Sam reasoned.

Sam, I am not living with them. Not after what he did to me.

Bella, may we remind you that he is your imprint. Quill, said.

I sighed and became aware that Alice was still cradling me in her arms, my eyes widened as I tried to escape her grasp but she wasn't budging, she was to busy watching Edward to notice. I let out a small cry, instantly getting her attention as her arms slackened allowing me to jump down onto the floor, shifting into my true form, my jaguar.

I heard the Cullen's gasp but I was to busy watching with horror filled eyes as Sam walked into the tree line before reappearing a moment later. The Cullen's looked surprised that Sam trusted them enough to do this but didn't dwell on it s Sam began speaking the words that sealed my fate.

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