Chapter 4: awkward

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*Zoe's POV*

The only way this could be more awkward is if I was naked.

Sure, I've had my first kiss but I've never kissed in front of people before let alone a camera that is going to film me and will be on the big screen and DVDs to be forever watched by lots of people.

Cameron seems to be having a great time. I knew Cameron was checking me out this morning, I can literally feel when he is looking at me. When I'm around Cameron is like I have a special 6th sense just for him.

I'm not even looking at him right now but I know he is looking at me. It's like a tingling sensation and when he touches me it's like a burning sensation. It's weird to be honest, even a little scary.

Cameron has tried to flirt with me while I've been in LA but I just find someway to make it seem like I'm oblivious to it and that I don't care. Which I don't, I don't care. At. All.

After the meeting we were told we could go home. I really loved the chocolate syrup slip 'n' slide thing but now I don't know how I feel about it.

Cameron's dad picked us up and Cameron and I didn't say a word to each other until...

"So how was it?" Victor asked.

"Yeah it was good" I replied.

"It's going to be epic! there is going to be a chocolate syrup slide and I get to kiss Zoe" Cameron says to his dad then turning his head to look at me and he had his signature smirk that most girls faint when they see it but me... It slightly annoys me actually, but I have to admit its a little cute maybe even sexy...


"Umm.. Zoe" Cameron says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? what?" I say shaking my head pulling me back to reality.

"You kinda zoned out. What were you thinking?" Cameron asks.

Oh ya know just thinking about your sexy smirk that literally gives teenage girls heart attacks.

"Oh um.. nothing important" I reply just shrugging it off. I seriously don't want to deal with Cameron's ego, sometimes it's big enough but other times its just right because he seems confident with who he is and I like that.

"You should have been there dad. Zoe was like 'do I get to lick myself clean after?' when she found out about the chocolate syrup slide and everyone just laughed then Adam Sandler was like 'that's Cameron's job..." Cameron blabs on about how they decided to put the kiss in movie. Victor laughs and I laugh along a little as well because looking back on it, it was actually quite funny.

We eventually get home and Cameron and I go upstairs I go to my room and Cameron follows me and shuts the door behind him.

"Um what are you doing?" I ask looking at Cameron with a confused look on my face.

"You know I've been told I'm a good kisser" Cameron says walking over to me where I am sitting on my bed.

"I haven't told you that so I don't care" I say a little ruder than I expected it to come out.

"Do you want to practice the kiss?" Cameron asks walking even closer to me and sitting dangerously close to me on the bed.

"Umm no. I'm good" I say stand up but Cameron pulls me back down so I'm sitting on his lap.

"CAMERON! IT'S YOUR TURN TO MAKE DINNER" Libby yells saving me from this awkward tension, at least I think it's awkward tension.

I get off Cameron and he stands up. He kisses me on my forehead and walks out with a smile on his face.

I blush slightly as the burning feeling radiates my forehead.

At dinner it was really awkward between Cameron and I. We didn't talk to each other but occasionally we would look and see the other one already looking at them.

I don't know why Adam said "that's Cameron's job". I mean seriously, Cameron and I aren't dating or anything like that. I don't think I like him that way and I don't think he likes me that way either. Cameron and I act like best friends, nothing more, nothing less.

Why was Cameron trying to get me to kiss him before? I mean I know we have to kiss in the movie but seriously. The look in his eyes wasn't a 'we have to do this' it was a 'I want to do this' look.

I hope that tomorrow is less awkward because I don't like it, plus we live and work together.

After dinner I just went upstairs to my room and laid on my bed and I stared at the ceiling with my hands on my stomach.

Knock. Knock.

"Si?" I answer in italian.

"Are you speaking italian or Spanish?" Cameron asks as he walks in.

"Parlo Italiano" which means 'I speak/I'm speaking Italian'

I'm not one bit italian. I had to learn a language in primary and high school and I chose italian.

"What's up?" I ask.

"You basically disappeared after dinner. Are you ok?" Cameron asks walking in and shutting the door because I like my door closed if I'm it my room.

"I'm just thinking about absolutely nothing. I'm just staring into space to be honest" I reply and Cameron comes and lays on his back next to me on my double bed and has his hands on his stomach like me.

"Why haven't you decorated your room yet?" Cameron asks.

"I don't know what to do with it because I'll be gone in a year" I answer keeping my eyes on the white ceiling.

"Are you missing your friends or family?" Cameron asks.

"Yeah, I am. The time difference is like 18 hours so its hard to find a reasonable time to talk. I'm not home sick just. I just feel a little bit different without them like I'm missing something or apart of myself. But it was a little like that before I came to LA though" I reply turning my head to my left to look at Cameron.

"What do you mean by that?" He asks looking at me.

"Which part?" I ask.

"It was a little like that before I came to LA" Cameron replies.

I didn't actually realise I had said that. I'm not ready to talk about it though. I've had a hard time accepting it myself.

"I promise I'll tell you another time Cameron but I don't want to just yet. I always find it hard to talk about it" I reply looking up at the ceiling again trying to hide the fact I have tears forming in my eyes.

"I promise I'll be here for you when you are ready to tell me" Cameron says taking my hand in his and squeezing it gently. I feel the tingles and the slight burning, I like that feeling.

A tear escapes my eyes and Cameron notices and turns onto his side to face me he holds onto my hand until I turn to face him then he wraps his arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I bury my head in his chest.

I cry silently just letting the tears run but I'm not making a sound.

What happened was horrible. One day I'll tell Cameron why I'm crying. Soon you'll know. A part of me wants this all to be a dream but if I woke up I wouldn't be here.

Cameron and I laid together on my bed all night. We didn't speak and even when my tears stopped Cameron wouldn't let me go.

I fell asleep feeling warm and protected in Cameron's strong arms.

A/N: Do you actually read these authors notes? Anyway... I've finished school for the year and I'm so happy. No homework, no early mornings, no uniforms which hopefully means I have more time to write.
Do you like the new cover? As well as this chapter being a bit awkward between Cameron and Zoe it was also sweet and I personally really like this chapter towards the end. I promise you'll find out why Zoe was crying in a few more chapters time.

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