The Night Before Last

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Cheap wine sloshed about in the dark green glass as he tilted the container upwards, spilling the sour drink into his mouth and down his chin. He let the bottle fall as he looked around the empty hall. Moonlight snuck in through glass paneled windows, spraying the ground in an eerie whitewashed light. Trash was littered here and there. The refuse was kicked up against the sides of the lockers that lined every empty space of wall in the building. His own back felt the cold, lifeless embrace of the lockers behind him as he arched his back, letting the feeling rush back into his numb ass.

He took another swig of wine and let his free hand fall to his wooden baseball bat at his side. He pulled the batt up and placed the bottom of the handle on the ground, propping his arm up as he shut his eyes and imagined the place he was in during school hours. His fellow students would trample the halls in an effort to make it to their next class, trying to sneak in a bathroom break or a make out session with their significant others.

He had his own girlfriend he would sneak off with behind the basement stairs, right after third period when their paths crossed as if by the fate of their class schedules had allowed them to do so. He would always hold her gently by the back of the neck as his tongue slipped into her mouth, and she would rub her hips all over his. It was simple enough, but to them, it was the world.

Kristy. Her smiled always brought warmth to his heart. Maybe it was young love like all the adults around him claimed it was, but he didn't care. It was love, and that was enough. She would always harass him about his future. She cared more than most in his life, "What are you going to do when you get out of high school? You can't just skate by with the cool shtick for your whole life." She always smiled when she talked to him, but his answer was always the same, not just when she asked, but when anyone asked. His parents, his teachers, his friends, it was always the same answer.

"I don't know. It just never seemed like it would matter to me. Every time I think about it, I just go blank."

Of course, Kristy was the only one happy with the answer. She was always happy to be with him and him with her.

He let out a long sigh and took another swig of cheap wine, wincing as it washed over his tongue and down his throat. It warmed his belly on this cold night. Fall was sweeping across the land, evicting summer from its month's long hold on his city. The summer had been a long one too. No once was he able to see Kristy, and it had ate at his heart all summer long. He had hoped to find her here tonight, on the last summer day before their senior year started.

He didn't know what he was going to do with his life, but he knew who he wanted to spend it with. He had saved up enough to buy her an engagement ring. Nothing special but it would be enough for her. Justin had called him stupid for trying to get married so young.

"Dude, what the hell? You're not even out of high school yet." Justin punched his arm, "Do I need to call you an idiot again? Cause I will." Justin adjusted the Mets hat on top of his head. It was his favorite one.

"It just feels right, you know? I can't explain it, but it is the only thing I can think about in my future. Not college, not a job, but just being with her."

Justin smirked with the corner of his mouth, "Yeah?" Justin punched his arm again, "Just don't break her heart then, hmm, or I might have to kick your ass."

He punched Justin back and then the two wrestled to the ground.

He was able to see Justin for most of the summer. They had been sleeping over in the nearby woods, camping out when the whole thing started, when he had lost track of Kristy. Justin and he were able to stay alive and prosperous for most of the summer. They kicked ass and took names.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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