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A/N Hello people! anyways sorry long time no update I was out of ideas...
Enjoy this crappy chapter of mine!

Aiden ordered us to go to a specific room and report to him of any happenings.

Miyuki was stationed at the kitchen/dining room.
Shinobu was in his favorite place,which was the basement.
James was outside.
Aiden was at three of the rooms,the other two rooms were left to Chan.

Miyuki's POV•

After Aiden sent everyone to thier spots.
I was alone at the kitchen.After a few hours,I thought I saw a shadow pass by,I pulled my weapon out just in case,and followed to where I think I saw where shadow was,I went to the basement where I saw the typical Shinobu who stays in one corner and listening to vocaloid."Shinobu focus!" I told him annoyed "hey your the one out of your spot..." ugh...the same old Shinobu..
"I followed a shadow here in the base-"
before I could finish my scentence,I heard,none other than Aiden's girly scream Shinobu (RARELY) smiled and ran out to Aiden's post,I followed him after being mezmerized by Shinobu smiling,I shook the feeling off and follow Shinobu...

Aiden's POV•

I was just at my post when I see Shinobu and Miyuki walking toward me,"guys why are you out of your posts?" I asked Miyuki and Shinobu,"We heard you scream,I would realize that scream from anywhere..." Shinobu answered. "Should we check on the others?" Miyuki asked her ears pricked up,"Miyuki check on James,Shinobu check on Chan."
Miyuki saluted at me,Shinobu rolled his eyes and just ran off,Miyuki went off to James' post,I shouted after them "Meet me at the basement!"then I ran to the basement....

James' POV•

I saw Miyuki run towards me,"You ok?"
I ask her she smiled at me "yup all good"
she gave me a thumbs up and say "Aiden just told me and Shinobu to check on you guys" I asked her very concerned,"Did anything happen to  you? are you ok?"I have to admit I was kinda like an overprotective mom
"James you asked me that awhile ago I'm telling you Im fine,Aiden said to meet at the basement."Miyuki told me,"Well come on,and if you get there first the catnip is on me for a month.."
Miyuki's ears pricked up and she smirked at me "bye!" she ran so fast that
I bet she was already there,I ran after her
~~Le time skip to the basement of AWESOMENESS!~~

Miyuki's POV•
I saw Aiden just sitting there with paper in front of him,Shinobu and Chan were sitting beside him,I sat on a chair and James sat beside me,"Were all here,yes?"
Aiden noticing I was blushing,smirked and wrote something on the paper and passed it to James,James blushed and placed his hands on my shoulders,I was a straight up blushing mess,he pulled me closer,"James,what is happening right now?" James smiled and told me "you'll
find out" ."Hey thats the-" before I could finish my scentence,I felt soft lips on mine,he pulled away smirking,"Hey thats the what now?"."first time you didnt answer me straight..." I the blushing mess smiled Chan in the background was giggling and an annoyed,but proud Shinobu stopping Chan from giggling.
A green like smoke filled the room and we all fell to the floor.

~~Time skip of green smoke~~

we all woke up in a circle, in the middle of us stood a woman with white hair and black eyes..

Author's POV•

the otaku's sat there mezmerized by what they see,the woman asked them would you like to know my name?"
Aiden tried to stand up and attack but some kind of force was pulling him down,instead Shinobu asked "What is your name?".The woman there answered"my name is John Cena~!"
*john cena-like music playing in the background*
"Dayum..."Miyuki said clapping in the background...
~~Le time skip of john cena ness~~
everything was back to normal,
Aiden with his pervertive attitude,still flirting with Chan,Chan getting anoyyed and knocking him out from time-to-time,
Miyuki was now dating James,Shinobu was back to being a cinnamon roll


To make up for my long time no update I made this chapter longer than the other one,I used my teammates/bestfriends OC's (original characters) as the characters,ill show you guys a picture on our next fieldtrip which is coming on Sept.30, before you  ask yep were not allowed to bring gadgets at our school,bummer...Anyways! watch out for a new book im gonna make! I may call it
"if i never met you" basically its about if me and my friends never met but I will be with one but I shall not be spoiler~!
read it to find out~~!!!
I may post every weekend
bai~! 💟


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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