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2 days pass before she is invited back to that table again. They told her she could've sat there without having to be invited, but she felt otherwise. For some reason she couldn't shake the feeling of being unwanted.

Of course this feeling wasn't new for her, she always felt small and annoying. Even around her mother, who was her closest friend. It was just her way of being insecure, she assumed.

The blonde boy- Niall, was the most talk-active when she was around. Not that the other boys didn't talk, they just didn't really talk to her. Niall, on the other hand, was almost always talking to Darcy. They got on quite well, and she liked his vibe. After the third day of sitting together, they exchanged numbers, and he noted that same day that they were in the same art class. She was surprised, because she didn't take him as being someone who liked to draw, but of course, you can never judge a book by its cover.

Harry and Darcy grew closer also, and soon he was asking her to hang out outside of school. She, Harry and Niall would all go see a movie or hang out at the park. Harry didn't like that she smoked, but Niall went right along with it, even taking hits off her cigarette a few times.

As of this moment, she was walking to her car after school had ended. She had her head down, an old habit of hers, and her earbuds in. She heard her name being called, quiet, and distant. She took one earbud out and turned around.

"Hey, Darcy!" It was Niall, he was running towards her. She smiled, taking her other earbud out and walking closer to him, "Hey, Niall. Whats up?"

"I-" He huffed, bending down to put his hands on his knees, panting softly. She giggled. "I need to ask you something."

"Sure, whats up?" She asked, chewing on her lip nervously, she hated suspense like this.

"Um, would you wanna maybe- oh, I don't know, go out to dinner with me tonight? Say, 7?"

Her jaw dropped slightly, and she blushed, "Oh. Uh, s-sure, Niall."

He smiled, straightening up, "Great! Wear something not casual but not super formal! I'll be there at 7 sharp." He winked, and stepped back, walking away slowly.

She furrowed her eyebrows together. Did she just get asked on a date? Was that really what had just happened? She turned again, walking back to her car. Her face was burning and she couldn't help but smile slightly at how flustered Niall seemed to be. She felt a soft pang in her chest. No, this is stupid. She thought, This isn't a date, just us two as friends going to get something to eat.

Duh.  What else would it be? She laughed at herself as she drove home, locking eyes with herself in the rear-view mirror, shaking her head.

When she got home she immediately started getting ready, jumping into the shower to wash her body and shave. She was going to surprise him. She was going to look clean, shaven, and pristine. Unlike how she normally looked, ratty, homeless.. She rolled her eyes at herself in the shower, thinking about how she looked during the day at school and how that probably added to her list of "reasons why i have no friends."

She put on her favorite dress, which was pink and was held up at the shoulders. She didnt bother putting much makeup on, though. She'd never really been a fan of makeup, if we were being honest. But she did apply a small amount of mascara just to make her eyes pop.

She got done around 6:30, and sat awkwardly waiting. Her mother then took that moment to harass her with questions on his this boy was. She answered as best she could ( she didn't know much about Niall to begin with ) and finally, 7 o' clock came around. When the numbers on the microwave switched from 6:59, to 7, she expected the doorbell to ring. But it didn't.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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