Chapter 14: What the Hufflepuff ?!

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All I can think about while on stage is Toby's lips on mine. Did I imagine that ? Oh lord I hope not that was... Magical. * Cue Disney theme song thingy * Before I know it we've finished performing and I honestly can't tell you how we did or even the name of the songs anymore. I was that focused on what had just happened. 

" Thank you everybody ! After a short intermission you all know and love em, Before You Exit ! " Kristy shouted out to the crowd and they erupted into a screaming fit.

" Good night everybody ! " I shout and wave all the way off the stage. When I'm finally backstage reality kicks in and my legs give out. I fall onto the floor wide eyed not knowing what to do. 

" Guys that was amazing ! Umm Kahlil are you okay ? " I hear Connor ask. 

" I um... I don't know... " I say at a loss for words. 

" Hey Tobes come help Kahlil to the dressing room we're going to go get Kristy. She probably got lost getting off stage. That or she found out where the food stand is again. " Riley said and they all laughed but I was still frozen as ice. 

" Come on. " Toby said picking me up and carrying me bridal style the whole way to the dressing room. I just held on tightly still not fully grasping what all just happened. 

" So what's up ? Why did you fall ? " He asks. 

" I- Well- Erm... " I was struggling for the words but finally managed to form a complete sentence. 

" That all just happened. " I say. 

" Yeah it did. " He said with a smile and I just now realize I'm was sitting on Toby's lap on a couch still holding onto him for dear life. When did we get here ? 

" Oh. I'm sorry I'll just-" I say trying to get up to move but he pulls me back down. 

" No it's fine. I actually sorta like us like this. " He said looping an arm around my waist. 

" Y-You do ? " I ask at a loss for words.

" Yeah. Which reminds me. Would you like to go out with me tomorrow night ? Like on a date ? " He said and I just sit there like an idiot. He just asked me out ? No way this is real. 

" You want to go out with me ? " I asked and he nods with a smile. 

" Whats wrong with you ? " I ask seriously and he seems confused. 

" What do you mean ? " He said with a little chuckle. 

" Why would you want to go out with me ? I'm... well, me. " I say and he laughs. 

" Well you answered that for me. I want to go out with you because you're you. You don't try to be somebody you're not to impress me or to get to me like most people. I can be myself around you and be comfortable being that way. So yeah you have your quirks ,but so do I. " He said and I smiled. 

" Yes. " I said with the biggest grin I've ever had in my life. 

" Yes ? " He said a little unsure about what I'm talking about. 

" Yes, I'll go out with you. " I said and he smiled widely. 

" Awwww !!! They're so cute ! " We hear from the door and instantly our attention snaps in that direction. 

" Kristy ! You ruined their moment ! " Connor whined as she jumps up and down clapping madly. 

" Were you guys spying on us ?! " I asked mocking hurt. 

" Well.. Um you see.. We uh.." Kristy started but was cut off.

" Yes and it's about damn time he asked you out ! " Riley said and I couldn't help but laugh.

My Lucky Day ( A Before You Exit / Toby Mcdonough Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now