Curiosity Plus Anger Equals ?

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Stiles walked through the front doors of Beacon Hills High right next to Scott. When they reached Scott's locker they said bye to each other and Stiles walked off to his own locker. It took him a few minutes to get there because his locker was on the other side of school. On the way he ran into his second best friend, Malia.

"Hey Stiles!" She yelled as he almost walkes right past her. "Your new locker neighbor is kind of hot." She said as she started walking with him.

"Cool." Stiles said, not really paying attention. He was mentally yelling at himself for following Theo the night before. That was a private moment that he probably didn't want anyone to see.

"Hmm, he's not here?" Malia said to herself as they reached Stiles' locker.

"Nope." Stiles said as he quickly entered his combination.

"You're being a butthole today. I'm gonna go hang out with Kira." She said before walking away. Stiles just shrugged his shoulders and started placing his stuff in his locker. Once he was done with that he looked at the mirror that he had attached to the inside of his locker door, making sure his hair looked good and fixing any strays.

"Hi Stiles." Stiles heard a familiar voice from behind his locker door. He slowly moved his locker door to see Theo standing with a big smile on his face, showing off the whitest teeth. Stiles took a step back in surprise and accidentally bumped into the person behind him.

"Hey watch it!" They yelled at him.

"Sorry." Was all he said to them before he looked back at Theo who was now putting his things into the locker next to his.

"What are you doing here?" Stiles asked Theo in a whisper yell.

"I'm going to school." Theo said back to him.

"Why? Don't you like hate school or something?" Stiles asked him in confusion.

"No, who told you I hate school?" Theo asked back. "I love school."

"Nevermind, anyways as long as you're here, I wanted to say that I'm sorry about the way I treated you when you first got here without even giving you a chance." Stiles said.

"No problem man. I would have been suspicious of me too if I were you. But just know that you don't need to be." Theo said back before he gave Stiles a closed lipped smile and walked away, but not before Stiles caught the flash of green that rippled throughout his eyes. Now he was suspicious again.


Theo quickly rushed off into an empty classroom. He sat on a desk and started taking deep breaths. He wrapped his fingers under the desk and felt his nails form claw marks as his wolf tried to break free. He didn't notice the scent until a few minutes after he saw Stiles. It was the scent that he had smelled the night before. The beautiful scent of whatever was following him. Now he knew it was Stiles.

Now he could barely control it as he started the shift into his wolf form. When he smelled the scent that leaked from Stiles his wolf went crazy and he almost changed right there in the hallway. His eyes did change for a second before he fixed them, but it felt different from when his eyes usually changed.

Usually his shifting was brought on by anger or hatred but this time it was different. It was something he couldn't identify, something he had never felt before. For some reason when he smelled that scent, he wanted to kiss Stiles all over his face and do things to him that he didn't know were possible.

But he couldn't get over the fact that it was Stiles following him. Why would Stiles do that? Did he really not like Theo that much?

Whatever it was, Theo was angry at Stiles for prying into his life. He was gonna get back at him even if it was the last thing he did.

Hiiiiiii, sorry for the super short chapter, but hey, this chapter and the first were written and published all on the same day so.... yay! Anyways, if you liked this chapter the please click the little star and leave a comment telling me your thoughts. I am also very open to constructive criticism. K thats all, byeeeeeeeee.

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