The Wait

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Hi guys!

This is my first story!

Pls write feedback.


Melina's POV:


I press snooze on my alarm clock and glance at the time, it's only 7:00. I really don't want to go to school today because theirs an band playing, probably a horrible one. As I walk down stairs, I yawn and see that my family beat me down stairs. My dad was reading the news paper, my mom was cleaning the dishes, and my brother was just eating cereal. I sit down on my chair, grab the cereal, pour it in, and pour in the milk. As I eat my fruit loops I glance at the time,it's 7:30 I'm going to be late. I hurry to finish my cereal, I put on my shop wild daisy shirt, my skinny jeans, my vans, and quickly trow on a leather jacket. I jog to my school to not be late, even though I want to be late. 30 minutes later I arrive to school at 8:00, I'm late. "The route I must of took was longer," I though to myself. As I walk in I get a pink late slip from my vice principal and walk to the gym. I hear noise, maybe even good music. I open the heavy gym doors glance at the band and drop my pink late slip.

Harry's POV:

It's only 7:30 no students are at school "Sigh." As me and Zayn get the instruments from the bus I see a early student "Shit!" I whisper to him, we run inside before she can see us. We set up the instruments and everything is ready by 7:50, almost half of the school is in the gym, watching us sing. A few girls had to be taken out but it was fine. We were singing Diana and almost every girl cried. It was 8:05 and I saw the doors of the gym swung open, a girl who had long brown hair with dazzling brown eyes came in. Her head was down but when she looked up she was breathless. She seemed that I made her very happy. She kept on looking at the while walking beside her friends. Their was a high pitch giggle coming from the group.i could see that sparkle in her eye. She was perfect.

Melina's POV:

I keep on looking at Harry as I speed walk to my friends. "Daniella is this real??" Mel asked "I don't even know anymore!" Daniella exclaimed while Dazing at Harry." Em, pinch me now" Mel said " okay!" Emily responded as she pinched her softly. Mel gazed at Emily and smiled. One Direction sang and it was amazing, we were all still breath taken by them. When the concert ended it was lunch, Mel, Daniella, Francesca, and Emily would usually eat outside but when they got there, almost all the radio stations were their waiting for an interview with One Direction. She ran back inside and decided to sit in the lunch room. It was full she we found a table in the corner of the lunch room with 5 boys with black hoodies at the other end of the table. We sat down and started to eat, Francesca kept on staring at them " Francesca it's not polite to stare" Danielle elbowed her. " I never see them here" Francesca stated. " Okay, I'll ask them who they are." Mel said as I stand up and walk to them.


Thanks for reading!

Please give me feedback!! Positive or negative would be appreciate!

This is only the beginning 0! Stay tuned

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