Obsessions and reality

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Disclaimer: I don't own mystic messenger just my Oc's Kay~

(Hiyori's POV)
It seemed like a beautiful day outside. The birds were singing, sun shinning and everyone was being all happy sappy like one of those really typical days. Meanwhile, where am I....I'm locked up in my room with the blinds shut, blanket over my head and eyes glued to my screen. I may, or may not, have gotten any sleep yesterday because of a very important conversation in a certain chatroom (a/n: *wink wink). I looked to my bedside table and saw the time, which was 6:00am. Ughhh okay...so that's now two?....no, wait yes two all nighters I've done in a row. Wow good job Hiyori you're now officially sleep deprived, I thought to myself as I sighed and rolled over; as my eyelids became heavy trying to pull me into some sort of slumber. It was working until my screen lit up indicating that I got a notification. I looked at the message bar and it read Mystic Messenger: New Chatroom opened. Once I realised what the notification was for, I forced my eyes back open and immediately unlocked my phone to enter the chat. Stuff sleep, this is my priority right now and continued to use up whatever energy I had left.

How i found this important part of my life, well, let's take a little detour into the past shall we......

(Three days ago...)
I was in my Humanities class and it was boring AF as per normal. So I wasn't paying attention-because who would-and just talked to my best friend Ashley who conveniently sat next to me. We just talked about random topics until she mentioned a certain app.

"Hey, have you heard of an app called Mystic messenger?" She asked me

"Yeah, actually I read about it on Wattpad. Someone said that it was like some app where you text these people and stuff I wasn't really interested so I didn't check it out". I replied back to her sounding unamused 

"Dude, you should download it I just did but I don't know what to do with it but yeah, apparently you get to text and call these people, lets look up". We started to surf the net for info. After our little investigation I was really intrigued about the idea of the game and made a goal to download it when I got home.

Time skip to after school
Ughhh finally I'm back home, now let's see what this app has to offer. After waiting 5 minutes or so for game download, it finished and I started to play on the app.

"Oh my god.......this is Amazing!".I squealed slightly as I was only five seconds into the game.

And to summarie, it became an addiction and took the top priority of my life. It even took over my sleep which I'm surprised about because if I don't sleep....lets just say I'm not a nice person to deal with then.

(Back to the present)
I finally finished the chat, turned off my phone and rubbed my eyes. In the end the chat was with the gay guy who's obsessed with his cat and the narcissist who's looks are too perfect by his definition. Long story short those two got into an argument again and I got a laugh out of it as usual. Don't get me wrong, I like Jumin and Zen but Seven is Bae. My friend prefers Y͙o͙o͙s͙u͙n͙g͙* which I get, I mean, who doesn't love the cinnamon roll but still I'm Seven all the way. During the chats we just clicked so I was a bit disappointed by the fact I didn't get his route. So I looked it up, apparently I had to unlock deep story which required 80hr glasses. Dammit I thought but then I remembered I had some money left on my phone from my birthday gift card and let's just say after spending some of it I had more than enough to to spare. Sorry Yoosung i thought and said a prayer to God Seven for a clean conscience, as I started over again and began the deep story to get Seven's route.

That was the first, of many mistakes I made at that time........

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