Part I: Childhood's End - Law lessons

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The weeks after the feast were the most hard-working ever. Basch and I were working all day, alternating farms to carry big amounts of boxes, dig out vegetables and sort them, and also calculate how much gil each box could make us earn. Well, I have to admit I alone was in charge of that part.

For the first time, I felt my body was not following my mind. Working days began to feel more dreadful, one after the other, and there had been days I had wondered if I could make it till the end. On her side, Mom was also working, on different farms. She didn't speak a word about the fatigue that began to overwhelm me, about the evenings when I could barely eat dinner because my head could not stay up straight anymore. She just told us every morning that we had to work on this or that farm, to sell the goods at this bazaar, and to come back with that amount of money. It felt like she could see nothing beyond my blank morning eyes. I could not blame her, though. I knew what it must feel like, to be a lone mother with two children to feed and dress, and a husband more absent than alive. Or at least, until that day.

Our mother made us wake up really early. I was having a nightmare worse than I could ever have imagined. I was fighting a giant snake with a woody sword, and the creature was about to eat me whole.

'No! No!' I shouted.

Then, Mom began to calm down. She slowly whispered, turned towards Basch's bed, who must have already waken up, and afterwards, to mine. I could not hear the voices, I was still on the battlefield.

'No I won't! No I won't!'

'Easy, Noah. I'm here now. You won't get any work to do today.'

At this moment, like the realization of something, my eyes began to open and my brain to connect to the real world. The pain I have felt silently all over these weeks was knocking on my door, making me feel more useless than ever, but still, somehow, happy.

'Listen to me, boys', Mom said.

We sat down on our beds and lent her our ears.

'I know you've been working hard these days. Too hard. I must apologize for what I've made you go through.'

I was about to tell her it was okay, and I'm sure the same thought crossed Basch's mind, but instead, the surprise of her tone kept us silent.

'You're my sons. You're supposed to be the gift of my life, the treasure of the village, the hope of all Landis; but instead I just made you face the worst suffering, day after day, as if it was your only fate!'

And then, the tears began to flow.

'Mom!' we shouted, and at the same moment, we jumped into her arms.

'My little sons... my darlings... I'm so sorry for this... I wish I could earn some more money, so I could spare you and let you pursue your own destinies... But instead you're here stuck in land work, without me even knowing if you agree with it or not!'

'Don't worry, Mom', Basch said. 'We're really enjoying it. The farmers we're working with are very nice – well, except Olszewski – and when she's with us, Naria is a great help, and we're having so much fun together. Right brother?'

'Yes', I confirmed. 'I couldn't have said any better. Even if it's not easy at times, we always manage to get away with a good pay and good memories.'

'Noah...' Mom said, still in tears.

'Well, Noah is a coward, as you know', Basch added with a sarcastic grin. He's always the first to come down, he looks like he can't handle any more with his tiny arms!'

'Enough, Basch', Mom said harshly. 'As I said, I know what I'm making you go through and it's absolutely not fit for two boys such as you. Noah is right to feel what he's feeling right now, and it must be stupid to let him and you continue on this rhythm any longer.'

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