Chapter 1: Bored!

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After a long day at the Yard, you finally arrive hom. As you get out of the cab, and pay the cabbie, you see John going inside 221B. "Oh evening, John." You greeted. He turns around and sees that it's you. "Oh, hi (y/n)! You just now getting home?" He asked. The two of you walk into the flat as you say. "Yeah, it was sooo..."


You and John look at each other and run up the stairs. As you reach the top you see Sherlock slumped over in his chair, pistol in his hand. "What the hell are you doing?" John asked, angrily. "Bored." Sherlock said, sulkily. "What?" John asked him. "Bored!" Sherlock said, loudly and he springs up from his chair and switches the pistol to his right hand and fires again.





​​​​​​​You and John recoiled and covered your ears as he did this but once he finally stops, you hurry into the room and snatch the pistol from his hand. "Bloody hell, Sherlock." You muttered as you slide the clip out of the gun while Sherlock walks towards the sofa. "Don't know what's got into the criminal classes. Good job I'm not one of them." Sherlock said sulkily.

"So you take it out on my aunt's wall?" You asked as you put the pistol into a small safe on the dining table as Sherlock runs his fingers along the painted smile on the wall. John just stands there staring between the two of you. "Ah, the wall had it coming." He said and turns sideways and flops onto the sofa on his back.

"What about that Russian case?" Josh asked him, taking his coat off. "Belarus. Open and shut domestic murder. Not worth my time." Sherlock replied.

"Ah, shame!" You said, sarcastically.

John walks into the kitchen and heads towards the fridge. "Anything in? I'm starving." He asked and he opens the door to see a severed head. He slams it shut shakes his head then opens it to make sure he was seeing things. He wasn't seeing things, there's a real human head in the fridge.

"A severed head!" John shouts from the kitchen.

"Just tea for me thanks." Sherlock said, calmly.

"No, there's a head in the fridge!" John shouted.


"A bloody head!" John shouted as he walks back into the living and you rub your temples.

"Well, where else was I supposed to put it? You don't mind, do you?" Sherlock said, looking around at John. John holds out his hands despairingly and looks back at the fridge. "I got it from Bart's morgue. I'm measuring the coagulation of saliva after death." Sherlock said and he waves his hand vaguely towards John's laptop.

"I see you've written up the taxi driver case." He said.

"Uh, yes." John said as he walks over to Sherlock's chair while you walk over to the laptop and see John's blog and see the story Sherlock's talking about. "A Study in Pink. Nice!" You said. "Well, you know, pink lady, pink phone, pink case--there was a lot of pink." John said and you start of laugh at this.

"Did you like it?" John asked Sherlock.

"Erm, no!" said Sherlock as you read through the blog.

"Why not? I thought you'd be flattered." John said.

"Flattered? 'Sherlock sees through everything and everyone in seconds. What's incredible, though, is how spectacularly ignorant he is about somethings'." Sherlock said.

You whinced at this....yeah you could see why Sherlock didn't like it. Personally you like it, so far, course John wrote you in a better light than he did with Sherlock. "Now hang on a minute. I didn't mean that in a..." John started to defend but Sherlock talked over him. "Oh, you meant spectacularly ignorant in a nice way! Look, it doesn't matter to me who's Prime Minister or who's sleeping with who..."Sherlock said.

"Or whether the Earth goes round the Sun." You said softly.

"Not that again. It's not important!" Sherlock said to you.

"Not's primary school stuff. How can you not know that?" You asked, turning around to face him.

Sherlock was pressing the heels of his palms to his eye as he says. "Well, if I ever did, I've deleted it." You rolled your eyes at this as John asked "Deleted?"

"Oh boy, here we go." You said as Sherlock swings his legs around to the floor and sitting up to face you and John.

He points to his head with one finger and said. "Listen. This is my hard drive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful....really useful. Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish, and that makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see?" He asked John, who looks over at him trying to bite his lip but can't help it.

"But it's the solar system!" John exclaimed as Sherlock buries his head in his hand.

"Oh hell! What does that matter?! So we go round the Sun! If we went round the Moon, or round and round the garden like a teddy bear it wouldn't make a difference. All that matters to me is the work. Without that, my brain rots." Sherlock shouts. John looks over at you and gives you a is he serious look.
You nod at him as Sherlock ruffles his hair with his hands, then glares at John. "Put that in your blog. Or better still, stop inflicting your opinions on the world." He said and lies down on the sofa again, turning over his back to you and John and pulled his dressing gown around him while curling up like a ball.

You let out a deep breath as John stands up and walks towards the living room door. "Where are you going, John?" You asked. "Out. I need some air." He said, tightly, and walks down the stairs and slams the door. You look over at Sherlock, whose still curled up in a ball. "You proud of yourself?" You asked him.

No response.

You roll your eyes and head over to the window, watching John cross the street and head in the general direction of away.

As you watch him, you don't notice that Sherlock stands up from the sofa, walks over the coffee table and stands right next you. "Look at that, (y/n). Quiet, calm, peaceful. Isn't it hateful?" He said as you jumped not expecting him to be next to you.

You look him in the eyes and said. "I'm sure something'll turn up, Sherlock. A nice murder--that'll cheer you up."

"Can't come too soon." He said, wistfully.

You chuckle as you start to walk in the middle of your room until you felt his hand grab your wrist. You look up at him and you can tell he has something to say. "Sherlock? What's wrong?" You asked. He bites his lip before he looks at you and starts to open his mouth.

But you never find out what he wants because all of a sudden a bomb goes off out in the street and the blast hurls you two forward to the ground and your vision goes black.

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