Chapter 2: An Odd Case

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John un-crinks his neck as he wakes up from sofa at Sarah's flat. "Morning!" Sarah said as she walks in, wearing a dressing gown. "Morning." John replied as he grimaced and grabs at his neck in pain. It may have been uncomfortable but to him it was better here than staying around another minute with Sherlock.

He did feel bad of leaving you there but he knew you might talk to Sherlock and calm him down. Even though you and Sherlock keep denying it, John knows there something between you two it's just you two are too stubborn to see it.

"See? Told you you should've gone with the lilo." Sarah said.

"No, no, no, it's fine. I-I slept fine. It's very kind of you." John said, rubbing his neck.
Sarah reaches behind John's back to pick up the remote control for the TV, then sits on the arm of the sofa and turns on the Telly. "Well, maybe next time I'll let you kip at the end of my bed, you know." Sarah said, looking at him suggestively.

"What about the time after that?" John asked her.

She looks at him and grins briefly. "So, D'you want some breakfast?" She asked. "Love some." John replied. "Yeah, well you'd better make it yourself, cause I'm gonna have a shower!" She said as she smiles at him sassily, leaving the room.

John chuckles and starts buttoning his shirt. "This one is anticipated to do even better. Back now to our main story. There's been a massive explosion in central London." The newscaster said and John whips his head up to the screen and his face fills with shock as the picture changes to show live footage of a road where brickwork is scattered all over the pavement, and police cordons have been set up to keep people out.
The headline at the bottom of the screen reads, House destroyed on Baker St.

Oh my God! Sherlock! (Y/N)! John thinks as he gets up and hurries around the sofa to grab his jacket before turning towards the door and calling out to Sarah. "Sarah! Sarah! Sorry-I've got to run." He shouted and ran out the door.

Once he arrives at Baker Street, he heads towards the police cordon and makes his way through the small crowd of gawking onlookers. "Scuse me, can I get through?" He said and he approaches one of the officers who is stopping the crowd from getting closer. "Can I get through?" He asked, pointing toward 221 and the officer let's him through. He makes his way towards 221 when an officer stops him. "I live over there." John explained and the officer steps asides.

John unlocks the door and races up the stairs. "Sherlock. (Y/N)! Sherlock! (Y/N)!" He hurries into the living room and sees the windows are boarded up and he also sees Sherlock, sitting in his chair plucking at his violin glaring at John's chair, seemed to be uninjured. He looks around but doesn't seem to see you anywhere.

"John." Sherlock said.

John then sees why Sherlock was glaring at his chair, it was occupied by Mycroft. "I saw on the Telly. Are you okay? Where's (Y/N)?" John asked.

"Hmm? What?" Sherlock asked then he looked around at the mess of broken glass and scattered paperwork.

"Oh yeah. Fine. Gas leaks, apparently. And (y/n) is downstairs, she'll be up in a moment." Sherlock said then turns to his brother. "I can't." Sherlock said.

"Can't?" Mycroft asked.

"The stuff I've got on is just too big. I can't spare the time." Sherlock replied as John hears footsteps behind him.

He looks over and sees you coming up the stairs. "Oh, hello John!" You said smiling at him. You didn't suffer from any injuries either and John was relieved.

"Never mind your usual trivia. This is of national importance." Mycroft said.

"How's the diet?" You asked Mycroft as you make your way across the room and lean against the dining table. "Fine. Perhaps you can get through to him, John." Mycroft said to John.

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