Chater 10 (whisper of death in my ear)

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I  woke up and rolled over on top of Clayton. My head rested on his stomach while the rest of me was laid out of the floor.

We'd been training last night and I guess we fell asleep again.

It's been two week since we came here and most of the time I've been locked in Clay's bedroom training. No one was allowed to disturb us. Heck for fours days straight someone left food at the door so we wouldn't starve.

I yawned loudly and pushed myself up. I was startled by my appearance in the mirror. Wild blonde hair stood every where my face looked tired and I was extremely pale.

I shook my head at Clay who was stilll passed out on the floor.

I walked toward the door and quietly left in hope of finding breakfast.....or lunch....or maybe dinner? What time was it? What day was it?

I frowned and shrugged. When I entered the kitchen every one literally froze. I halted and held up my hands. They all glanced at each other warily as if I was some animal and if they made any sudden movements I'd freak out or something.

Finally Adrian was the one to move. "Hey short stuff you hungry?" I glanced at the plate and sighed. Dinner how in the world did me and Clay sleep all day? Well we probably went to bed at five in morning or something. Time didnt' mean anything to us when we were focused.

I nodded and everyone seemed to breath in reilf. They quickly went on with thier bussines making me give them wierd looks. What the hell had that been about?

"So hows training been going?" Lee asked looking slightly nervous. I glared at him annoyed by how they all seemed to be tip toeing around me. I wasn't a child. In fact through the days I grew even more horrified with myself at the way I'd been behaving it was  as if I'd been stuck in a five year olds body.

Clay  had explained to me what had happen and seemed relieved i was back to normal what ever that was. I guess he hadn't told them that, i shrugged not my problem.

"Its going great" I jumped at the sound of Clay's voice his hand landing on my shoulder.

He motioned toward the glass of water sitting on the counter. "Why don't you show them what we've been working on?"

Sighing heavily I gave him a look and turned to the glass. Lifting my hand I willed the cup to me no giving it a choice. It shook slightly before i frowned and it lifted into the air sliding smoothly through the air and into my hand.

You wouldn't belive how long it took me too learn that.

I ignored the sounds of there gasps and set the glass of water down and sat down at the counter and began to eat.

"Could grandma do that?" Lee asked our mother staring at me as if was a special Jewel.

"I-I don't really know son. She never showed me or my brother any of her powers" she told him.

I looked at my mother curious "You have no powers?" I asked her. She shook her head sadly.

"No the powers skips every generation to the daughter that will need it most."

Well that sounds splendid. Probably meant I was going to have a life of fighting. Thank you fate.

I frowned when I noticed how empty I felt.

"Where's Luke?" I asked.

Everybody froze and looked at each other.

"Well where is he?" I asked again getting angry.

My father cleared his throat alittle nervously. "Well honey he left about four days ago to go get Adrain's mate and her brother."

The soundof glass exploding filled the silence as the glass water i'd set down moments ago got the full blunt of my powers.

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