\Chapter 1/

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Mia's POV- August 23rd 2014
This year was my senior year of collage as a film student out in Ohio. I don't have many friends but I didn't mind it. I generally enjoyed being alone for the most part.

My best friend Tyler Joseph moved a year into collage to start a band with his friend. We haven't talked sense he left because he's busy with touring and stuff, but i still generally still cared for him.

  His friend and band member Josh Dun is a cool dude too. We don't know each other very well, but from what I know he's a chill guy.

I was just studying like usual until my phone went off.

Unknown// Mia?
Mia// Who is this?
Unknown// Its Tyler you remember me?
Mia//Of course! how have you been?
Contact changed:
Tyler// I'm doing fine thanks! hbu?
Mia//Still in collage haha
Tyler//Still in Ohio right?
Mia//Yep, after this years over ill be moving to LA
Tyler// Well me and Josh are going to Ohio for our last show for this section of the tour for this year so i was gonna stop by to catch up if that's okay with you
Mia// Yea! my dorm is (random dorm #)
Tyler// Ok cool! see you soon!
Mia// Bye ty!

Part of me got very excited to see my best friend again after almost 4 years.

  Time skip brought to you by josh's blue hair

It was a Saturday night/morning when i heard a knock on my door. its about 1 am so i was very confused. i opened my door to see a tall man wearing a black jeans and a white shirt.

"long time no see" He said. by then I knew exactly who it was we both hugged tightly then finally realized we should probably go inside.

"Its one in the morning you realize that right?" I say

"And your sleeping habits still haven't changed after 4 years" Tyler laughs with me joining.

"true, true." I say.

"I really did miss you Mia." Tyler said.

"I really did too." I smile. We talked for hours and hours about random things.

"So who's the special someone" Tyler raises and eyebrow. I giggle at him.

"No one" I laugh.

"Really?! I'm surprised. I mean who wouldn't want you?" i blush at his words hiding my face as I get up.

"What about you?" I ask.

"No one." he says.

"why not?" I ask

"I could ask the same to you."

"Well...Most of the guys are desperate and only use people, and most of them are rude anyway." I sate. I couldn't lie Tyler was cute and i kind of starting liking him for than friends but i didn't want to ruin our friend ship from something like that if he didn't feel the same way, so i kind off tried to push it out of my head but it was really hard.

"I don't know I guess I just haven't found 'the one'" he says.

I Motion the come here sign and make him follow me.

"where are we going..?" he asks.


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