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"I love you and that is that don't hurt your slef please."
"If you loved me you would of never said that."
"I was hurting I did not mean it I promis that does not mean you have to kill yourself about it. Also I told you that was no me why don't you believe me babe please"
"Stop don't call me babe and the reason I don't believe you, you alwayse lie to me so why should I believe you?"
I think she hates me and I don't know what to say
"Ok then I don't care if you go kill yourself this world would be better without you in it and I mean it this time I  hate you"
There I said it that gets it off if my cheast
"Wow I ..." " I can't believe you"

THE LOVE HE SAID WOULD LAST FOREVERWhere stories live. Discover now