Chapter 16

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(No? Okay I'll stop.) :)

So hey!! Well I'm trying to update as soon as possible every time and stuff, and next week I'll have a role play chapter. And for the raffle thing, anyone who comments can have a chance it's not just answering the questions. That'll also be in next weeks chapter. I'll have the forum for it and everything at the end of this chapter, and I hope you all participate. (It is a kotlc one). Thanks!!

Sophie POV

He was in the right space, as the ground slowly took hold of him. It started to pull him down into the earth beneath, as he struggled to come back to the surface.
He then used his own powers to stop the ground, though he was stuck still. Perfect. He's falling exactly into my plan. He started to climb out, but we were in my territory now. The earth and the air moved to my will, but also...
He let out a scream as water started flood out of the hole in the ground.
That was my special element and since water is underground mostly anywhere, it was quite perfect.
I created a little air bubble around me and flooded the cavern.
For a second I realized how funny it was that the moonlark's specialty is water but I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. I needed to save the boy, and the air in my little bubble was thinning out.
I forced all the water to back into the ground, as I took a look around. The ceiling had a huge crack, mostly caused by the pressure of the water, and it could give out at any time. There was the demon guy's body on the ground but I didn't pay a second glance to him. My magic power was starting to drain, so I decided to turn back into my host.
Just as I was in the process of doing that I heard rocks move. I sharply turned to see that he was standing, very much a live.
He tilted his head to the side, and gave a slight smile. "You're not the only one who can control elements, Moonlark."
I couldn't win this. I was completely out of power, and just as he was about strike at me, I turned back.

Fitz POV

We all separated and went to inform everyone. The ogres were at war with us... We'd been really, umm, not close at all ever since three years ago, when Sophie had attacked the king. I thought it was going to turn ugly, but everything got sorted out. But then they took the first chance they could to come attack us again... Which our battle with the Neverseen. Sophie unleashed some major attack and somehow we won, but she's not here now. All we can do is stay safe and hide. All I could do was take people to shelter.
I hope Biana is alright, I thought. She must be scared.
My mind traveled back to how close Biana and Dex were now, and I almost grimaced. The dude earned my respect but nothing more than that.
I saw an elf so I went to them and told them to to take cover in the underground area. I told people one by one until I saw Linh, and I rushed up to her.
"You and Tam-"
"We know, your sister told us. We've been telling everyone too."
"You really should stay safe, you know."
She had an amused smile, and she replied, "not like you're doing that either."
"No flirting in times of a crisis please," Dex said coming from behind. Gosh, he was annoying.
"Why are you here?" He asked Linh.
"She's helping," I said, and then muttered, "unlike someone."
"Well, I see you want your alone time, so I'll go look for Biana."
"Are you sure we're the ones who want alone time?" I asked, my eyes narrowing.
Dex blushed, and ran off. Pathetic. I swear if he lays a hand on my sister...
"Were you even listening?"
"I asked if we should make one more round to see if everyone is evacuated safely."
"A while ago I asked Tam to go to the underground place and make sure everyone was there."
We started walking around town, just like a...
"What?" I asked her, my breath growing shallower, and my heart beating faster. Where was this conversation leading to? I don't like her... Right? She possibly couldn't like me.
"Fitz," she said looking into my eyes. "What's the date today?"
I let out a sigh. That's all it was.
"Uhh... The 26th?"
"I knew it."
"No Umm... Why?"
"What day did the Neverseen start the attack on us last time?"
"The twenty... The 26th!"
"I wonder what this means..."
"Nothing good, most likely."
We finished telling the last people as we went to the underground storage room.
When we went in there we met with Tam but Biana and Dex still weren't there. What could've taken them so long. I tried to transmit to them but it wouldn't reach... Why wouldn't it reach?
But the councilors had the doors guarded and I couldn't get out. That also means they couldn't get in. No. No. No. Biana and Dex against a bunch of ogres, isn't going to work. I hope they got as far away as possible from here. They need to make it out alive.
Just as I thought things couldn't get worse we heard a knock on the door.
They're here.

Hey!! So, what do you think of this chapter? Drama is coming back soon, but the scrolls are going to have to wait... Sorry.

So I ask that all of you have fun and participate, so here's the forum.

Age: (or age you would like to be know as)
Description: (such as tall, medium length brown hair, freckles, etc.)
Ability: (telepath, vanisher, hydrokriton, etc.)
Crush- (optional)  means any of the kotlc characters.
Name: (any name you want to go by)
Backstory: (optional)

If you want to be one of the actual characters just say so, but make sure no one else is it too.

COMMENT HERE PLEASE FOR THE FORUMS---------------------------------------

So I'll have the next weeks chapter titled role play and yeah. Please participate and make this creative?? Thanksssssss I love you all!!

*If any of you want, I could add your character to the story but you would have PM me for that**

Falling Hope; A KOTLC (keepers of the lost cities) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now