Chapter Eleven

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March 3, 1903

It was as if the Arystenn family never rested. 

As soon as the township was secured, and Krantus Kallis, deemed dangerous, was imprisoned, King Airel declared the former township of Glaisse-Altair the new capital of the Lessaenite Empire. Seated squarely on top of a hill, it was guaranteed to inspire admiration in the hearts of the Lessaenite people. 

The building of the city had scarcely begun, when Airel scheduled a trip to Rhena, in order to meet with his fellow monarch, King Laddyn Voertstedd of the Shealands. His wife discouraged the decision, still harboring traces of a DeGlann-esque fear of the unknown, but he pressed on, stressing the importance of positive relationships with other sovereign states. 

And that was how King Airel, Queen Thalayna, Prince Sakarus, and little Princess Thaliana along with the five Clan Chiefs and other representatives of the Lessaenite Empire ended up in a fleet of Alisha Valior's brand new inventions- devices that she called spaceships, and claimed could take people to other planets. 

The journey was alarming for all but the calm Scientist Chief. After all, none of them had ever been on an interplanetary trip. It lasted for nearly a month- the spaceships of that time were unsophisticated, and could not cover the distance much faster- and by the time it was over, the entire family was overcome with boredom and fatigue. 

They were a sorry sight as they stumbled out into the dense Rhenan jungle. The humidity certainly didn't help their condition, and many of them had severe headaches by the time they reached the nearest clearing. Here, they gladly set up camp, too weary to travel for much longer. King Airel declared that they would have dinner, rest, and find their way to the Rhenan capital city of Vy'lwa the next day.

Being a young man, Prince Sakarus found himself unable to sit still. The small meadow was far too narrow a space to contain him, so he, finishing his food, rose from his seat beside the roaring bonfire and entered the unexplored jungle. 

The machete he wore at his waist was discovered to be particularly helpful in this endeavor, as he was forced to cut through what seemed like a deluge of stems and leaves. Thinking that this area of the woods was uninhabited, he paid no attention to his disheveled, travel-worn state, and simply continued on, knowing that his trail of broken tree branches and fallen leaves would lead him easily back to his family's campsite. 

However, just as the sun was beginning to set and he was set to return to his people, for fear of what unappealing things lurked in the darkening forest, his ear was captured by the song of a woman. It was a simple melody, not at all ornamented, and the singer did not sound particularly accomplished. However, her voice was clear and confident, and Sakarus was overcome by a strange curiosity. He wished to know the identity of the woman who would bravely venture alone so deep into the woods. 

He followed the voice for as long as he could, before he came upon a small stream. Following it as it flowed downhill, he came to the source of the enchanting music. 

She was only a girl, and could not have been older than Sakarus himself. She sat on a flat rock, her back turned to him. Her skin was a deep, chocolaty color, something the prince had never seen on Lessaenes, and her hair was dark and thick. Becoming aware of Sakarus' presence, she stopped singing and turned around slowly to look at him. 

She had dark brown eyes to match her skin, and long lashes. She wore a simple, gray crop top and a green skirt that flowed behind her. Sakarus was momentarily shocked by the intensity of her gaze. This was the first time in his life that he had been regarded so haughtily: as an equal. 

"Well?" She placed her hands on her hips, her words as confident as her actions. "Who are you?" 

Her accent was smooth and exotic, just like all of her other defining features. She was extremely beautiful, but wore almost no makeup. Sakarus had never seen such a girl on Lessaenes. 

"I am Sakarus Arystenn, Crown Prince of the Lessaenite Empire." 

"Shehallie Voertstedd, Crown Princess of the Rhenan Shealands," the girl did not curtsy, as a Lessaenite would've, but instead bent her head and folded her arms. "It is a traditional Rhenan greeting," she explained. 

*Princess Shehallie Voertstedd*

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*Princess Shehallie Voertstedd*

A princess. 

That explained her high-and-mighty attitude. However, Sakarus did wonder what a princess was doing alone in the forest. 

"I presume you are a member of the visiting royal family," Shehallie said. "My father told me that you were coming from a distant planet, and I can certainly see that! You're paler than a ghost!" She marveled at Sakarus' skin. 

"It's how everyone looks on Lessaenes," Sakarus laughed. "You should come visit. It seems so hot and sticky here, I'm sure you'd love the cold weather." 

"All in good time," Shehallie nodded. "Well, it's getting dark. I should return to Vy'lwa." 

"Alright. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the banquet tomorrow, Princess Shehallie." 

"As am I, Prince Sakarus." 

She glided away like a butterfly, her skirt floating like a veil around her legs. Her Aura was not as strong as a Lessaenite's, but it had a delicate, gossamer quality. 

Despite his repeated efforts to divert his mind, Sakarus found himself occupied by thoughts of the beautiful Princess of Rhena throughout the journey back to his camp, and until the moment that he fell asleep under the starry sky.  

There was something oddly enchanting about her mysterious nature, enunciated speech, and petite figure.

Sakarus couldn't wait until the welcoming banquet. 

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