10) Halt

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Your all going to hate me by the end of this. Well here we go.

{Jen's PoV}

When we finally docked at the island we got off the boat. The docked rocked beneath our feet and Sylvester jumped out of my arms and ran off into the forest. We continued walking.

"So this is it. You said my mother would never find me here."

"Well were not there yet. Were close but not there."

" Oh. How much farther than?"

"It's in the center of the island. I'm not sure has far that is though." We began walking in silence. After a few more minutes Pat broke the silence,

"Look Jen, when were get there I-I'm just going to need you to trust me."

"Of course I trust Pat all you've done since we met was help me." I replied, "You didn't turn me into my mother,  you helped me out of that pit, and now your taking me somewhere where I can be myself and be free from my mother."

"Thank you Jen."

When we finally made it to a clearing I kept walking and saw a small circle of flowers thats when I heard Pat say,

"Hey! Let me go!" I whirled around and too see Pat being restrained by two of the Elite Guards, Joel and Oli. The other three, Lizzis, Scott, and Seapeekay, stood around them, swords drawn.

"What are you doing?! Let him go! I command you."

"I'm sorry Jen but we can't disobey orders from your mother." Said Lizzie as she took a step forward. Pat's hands were now bound behinds back and Joel and Oli pulled him to his feet. Lizzie took my hand and began to lead me away from the circle of flowers. I pulled my hand away. Oli, Joel, Seapeekay, and Scott were practically dragging Pat towards the middle of the clearing.

"Jen help me! Please!" Pat pleaded. I tried too go to to him, but Lizzie held me back. Thats when I saw what the circle of flowers really was. A portal to the Twilight Forest. I froze.

"See," said Lizzie, "It was a trap. He works for the Lytch King."

"P-pat? I-is that true?" I stuttered. He looked away. I guessed it was. I turned away from him.

"Jen! Jen please!" He continued to plead with me. I couldn't look at him. He had lied to me and I had trusted him. Then I heard them push him into the portal. I looked back and just as I had thought, Pat was gone. The flowers around the portal began to wither and die destroying the portal, I assumed because of Joel. He had the power to control plants. But Pat. Pat was gone and so was the only way to find him. I began to cry, while Lizzie tried to comfort me.

But he was gone. The only person I had ever loved was gone.

I know. I'm evil.

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