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There once was a flower named Jane. She always wanted to see what was on the other side  of the hill by where her and her family were planted. 

On day Jane saw a little girl walking by. The girl stopped and stared at Jane. She smiled and walked over to her and picked her up. 

The little girl started to walk to the hill. Jane was so happy she was going to see what was on the other side.

As they got to the top of the hill Jane saw a small house. The girl walked to the house and through the door. 

She took Jane into a room where an old man was sitting. The girl said "Look papa at what I found". 

The man looked at Jane and smiled brightly. 

"Very lovely sweet cakes." 

The man got up and got a vase and put water in it and placed Jane in it carefully. Then he and the girl took Jane up stairs. 

Jane spent awhile in there til the little girl came in and climbed in the bed. Later the man came in and took Jane. He brought her down into the kitchen. 

In the kitchen were a lot of different things. Jane was really confused. The man put her down by a bottle of some blue gel. The man picked Jane up out of her vase, and applied the gels to her stem. He than sat her sown on the table where she could read the label on the bottle of gel. The label said lube. Jane frowned her eyebrows in confusion. 

The man was unbuckling the belt of his pants. He slowly pulled his pants down.

He picked up Jane and put the end of her stem at his entrance. At this point Jane was really scared. The man started to push her stem farther into his butt hole. He was making a weird noise and freaking Jane out. Once her stem was all the way in the man pulled her almost all the way out. He than shoved her back in hard and fast.

By now the man was making the same sound he was before. He let out a scream, and pulled Jane out and put her back on the table. 

The man picked up a towel and cleaned himself up. He than put his pants back on. Next he looked at Jane the flower and smiled.

He picked her up and wipes her off and puts her back in the vase. He than placed some clear liquid in the vase and the bottle said bleach. 

Jane had no idea what it was but it burned like hell. The man put her back in the girls room.

When the girl awoke Jane was brown and almost dead. The girl frowned and went outside. When she came back she had her dad and a new flower. The man threw Jane in the trash next to where her vase was. He placed the new flower there and the man and the girl left.

Later after the girl went to bed the man came in and took the new flower and winked at Jane. 

When he brought the flower back it looked the same as she had the night night before. And that is how it continued. The girl frowned when she saw her flower dead. She went and got a new one. The man threw the last one away. And later came and took it and did the same things as the ones before it.

Now Jane wished she never wanted to know what was on the other side of the hill.

Because now that she does.

She wishes she could go back.

But she can't.

She is stuck there forever.



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