New girl.

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Your pov.
I'm on stage, rocking out with my guitar playing my famous song, as the crowd shouts my last name
"Hitsukone! (Ha-ts-uke-on-uh.) hitsukone!"
Then I hear a loud beep over and over again.
" _(y/n)_! Wake up! Your alarm clock has been going off for ten minutes! It's your first day of school and your gonna be late you baka!" Kiki, my 2 year younger middle school sister, scolded me.
" yawn, love you to sis." I replied as I see her roll her eyes and smile.
" hurry up, before I send the terrible brats up here." She chuckled running out of our room.
" NOOOOOO!" I shouted, you see the terrible three are my three triplet little brothers who are so annoying, ones a perv, ones a devil, and ones an actor who blames everything one me! And they always prank me. Anyway I finally get out of bed and get dressed for my first day of school, I don't have my uniform yet so I get to wear whatever I want! Yay!

 Anyway I finally get out of bed and get dressed for my first day of school, I don't have my uniform yet so I get to wear whatever I want! Yay!

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(For bottoms she has a black skirt, orange underwear [it'll make sense later on] and she has blue converse.)
Okay, now all I need is my special necklace, I grab a silver chain with a heart shape locket showing a picture of me, Kiki, and mom and dad, that was a really long time ago, before she had the terrible brats and Kaiyo, my youngest sister. Anyway I'm getting off track, what time is it's? I check and see it's already 7:15 oh no! I have to eat breakfast so I can get to school early and find my first target. Oh, did I forget to mention I'm a prankster? Oops. I grab an apple shove it into my mouth, I grab a granola bar, milk, my bag and lunch and run out the door waving by to Kiki as I get in the limo and head to school.
As I walk into school I put my head down And hurry to my locker, as I get there I see the locker next to me and a girl dressed up as a guy.
" hi, I'm Haruhi."
" hi Haruhi, why are you cross dressing?" I asked, whispering the last part.
I then see her sweat drops.
"It's kinda a long story."
" ok. Well, do you know where class 1-A is?"
" yeah." She tells me the directions.
" thanks, see you there." I said, I run across the hall and sit down as I lean on the wall, and I plug in my headphones playing one of my favourite songs. Black magic.

As I was listening to it I hum along, until out of no where some idiot trips on me.
" ow! Hey, watch were your walking you Baka!" I said, but then I covered my mouth as I look up and see a pair of twins, one who tripped over me, the other only worried about the other one.
" you hurt kaoru." One twin said.
" excuse me, he kinda, ummmm....." I say shyly rubbing my shoulder and staring at the ground, I scold myself for being so shy and and clumsy. "Sorry, I didn't see him c-coming."
" whatever, it's fine I guess." They said in unison as they walk into class and I here the bell ring.
This school might be harder then i thought it would be.
" hello class, today we have a new student, _(y/n)_" please introduce yourself.
Ok, I can do this. " hi I'm Hitsukone _(y/n)_........ I- I mean, hits- i, uhhhhh.... _(y/n)_." I stuttered and blushed a little looking down, great first impression, I here the twins laughing at me, then the whole class laughs at me but Haruhi and the girl fawning over there laugh, then they start making jokes about me as they laugh! Grrrrrr! well let's see if it's so funny when I prank you, I gritted my teeth as they pointed at me chuckling. After class with the snickering Baka's, I say bye to Haruhi as everyone leaves but me and the twins, so I certainly want to get out of here as fast as I can and as soon as possible, I walk over with my bag, I go to get out my journal and drop my bag and my stuff spills everywhere, my phone, note books, lunch, and my diary flies every where with pieces of paper. Just great, as I start to pick things up I see a two hands holding my stuff, I look up to see the twins.
" here you go, you dropped this." One said.
I start to stare at them, noticing how there hair and voices are different, and one comes off a little more mischievous, But I start to blush realising how cute they are.
" are you ok?" The other asked. Of course, I shyly nod and whispered a thank you to them, maybe they won't be my first target.......
" what an interesting diary we have here, right kaoru?" One said reading my diary.
" I agree, Hikaru. oh look, my three little brothers sprayed wip cream in my hair infront of my class today, they are soooooo gonna get it when I get home, and when I did I saw them- "
" HEY!!!!" I shouted but I covered my mouth blushing, when I went to get my diary I slipped on some papers and feel right on my butt. Ow! When I look up I see the twins, one of them is blushing and the other one is smirking with cheeks tinted pink staring down at me, I looked at them confused and followed there stares, when I see what they were staring at my eyes grow as wide as saucers, I then turn bright red. My skirt flipped over when I slipped and it gave the twins a clear view of my underwear! I stand up and cover my skirt with my hands, then I snatch my diary from Hikaru and flick them both running out of the classroom as I shout one simple little word " PERVS!" Ok, Never mind what I said earlier, cause they just became enemy number one on my list.
Time skip, to one week later.
Aghhhhhhhh! I'm gonna be late! I'm gonna be late! I'm gonna be late!!!!!!!!
I ran across the hall bumping into a big guy, maybe even a foot and a few inches taller then me, he was strong , snotty, and holding up a knocked out Haruhi as two scared girls where in the back and a guy was in his locker.
"Hey! Let he- him go!"
" oh look we have another hero, ain't that right, sweetheart" he said picking me up, looking up and down at me and my outfit. Pervert much?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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