The Creature's Prowling

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Chapter 1
  *10 years ago*

                               June 3rd 2015

Fire rose among the city, devouring everything in its path. The fire blazes wildly but at the same time it seems controlled. Another burst of flames erupts from the jaws of a gruesome assailant. The destructive being is clearly not human, it's long legs and spiked arms layed that theory to rest. It's disfigured face present long pointed fangs and a pointed snout. It's eyes search for more life to destroy. Seeing a man stagger from his burning home, the creature jumps at him swiftly. The man flails desperatly to fight it off but the creature was much stronger. Digging it's clawed hands into the man's arm and side, it buries it's pointed snout into the man's chest. The man screams briefly before dying in the monstor's grip. It releases the man, after feeding from his insides, leaving nothing but skin and bones. The creature raises it's face to the smoke filled sky and lets loose a cry loud enough to be heard for miles. Two more of the creatures make their way towards the call of their bretheren. One creature makes its way into a house that still stands, although not fully intact. Inside the house a man is bent over his wife crying. She is not dead but her body is paralyzed from trauma to her spine. A loose rafter had fallen and hit her during their attempt to escape. The creature detects the small movements from the man and steadily moves foward. The wife, desperatly trying to warn her husband of the danger, could do nothin but widen and shift her eyes. The creature swings its arm heavily down, crashing into the mans head and sending him flying into a wall. The man rose to his feet, blood running freely down his face from a fresh gash right below his hairline. He balls his fist and charges the creature, attempting to protect his home. Again the creature swings its arm effortlessly and sends the man flying again. This time the man dosent get up. His neck broken, he dies quickly, a pool of blood forming around his head. The creature turns its sights to the woman on the floor. Motionless and soundless she lays in the floor staring blankly at the creature as it advanced upon her. Her eyes showed immense fear, but not for her own safety. She knew she would die either way. The cold hands of death already gripping her and pulling her towards blackness. Her eyes showed fear for her ten year old son, hiding in the closet. His movement was restricted by coats and suits. His parents had told him to hide and not to watch. But his curiosity got to him. He peeked an eye through the thin crack in the closet doors. His eyes widen in fear as he sees his father laying in a bloody heap and a large creature moving towards his mother. He keeps silent as the creature picks up his mother by her leg ad slams her into a wall. He feels tears burning his eyes as he watches. He closes his eyes tight, tears streaming down his face. He can still hear the thuds of the creature swinging his mother. He keeps silent until he hears nothing outside. Even then, he waits for hours until he even dares to peek out the closet. He sees nothing so he slowly walks out the closet into the blood splattered room. He walks over to his father and stands over him hanging his head. He stares at the bloody mess his father has become. blood splattered on the wall marked the impact. His father's neck bent at an odd angle clearly indicating a break. He turns away and goes into his room and pulls the blankets off his bed. Walking slowly he covers his father with it. He turns and looks around to find his mother. He dosent see her, just a streak of fresh blood on the floor, the creature must have taken her with It. He goes into his father's room rummaging through his parent's closet. He comes up with a heavy Nike shoe box. He opens it already knowing whats inside. He pulls out a large black hunting knife, its in it's sheath. Next he pulls out a handgun. He remembers all the times his father took him out to shoot it. His eyes started to well up again. He is very familiar with this gun. He finds the ammunition for the gun and stuffs a purse with it. He sees his fathers National Guard bag and grabs it. He goes in the kitchen and grabs as much food as he can and fills the bag halfway. He puts a towel on the food and puts the Ammo filled purse ontop. He goes back into his mothers room and grabs a bandana off his parent's bed. He throws the bag on his back and walks towards the door, listening for danger. He takes the gun off safety and opens the door. Smoke met him immidiatly, but not enough to stop him. He steps in the door way and looks down at the bandana in his hands. Slowly he wraps the bandana around his neck covering his mouth. The bandana was something his mother had given to him. It only had one word on it, his name. The smoke billows in the house but the lettering is still readable. "Leo" the bandana reads. The boys name is Leo. He steps outside and starts walking slowly towards the west, hoping to find help or safety. The smoke closes around him, and he is gone from sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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