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Previously in This past 7 years
Laura: (stands up) how is my son
Sarah's mom: how's my daughter
Doctor: the lady that was with him has a broken arm and a broken leg we are transferring her to a room
Sarah mom: oh thank god
Laura: and my son
Doctor: your son(sighs) he ............................................................

Doctor: he has a broken leg we need to do surgery to it and you need to go to the front desk to proceed with the surgery
Laura:(crying) is he awake
Ross: (holding her and crying)
Doctor: (sighs) I'm sorry mrs lynch but your son got into coma
Laura: (face drops) what? ( feels dizzy and faints)
Ross :(catches her fast) laura!!
Laura: (unconscious )
Doctor: let's take her to a room
Ross:(carries her to a room and puts her in the hospital bed)
Doctor: (checking her) she's okay she fainted because the situation with your son she can stay here as long as she wants if you excuse me I need to attend some other patients ( leaves)
Ross:(crying and looking at laura) baby
Hailee and Joe: (enter the room)
Hailee: dad (crying)
Ross:(stands up and hugs her)
Hailee: why is this happening to us
Ross : I don't know Halz
Joe: I'm sorry for what's happening
Hailee: and the kids
Ross : they are with one if your moms friend
Hailee: do they know
Ross: no but how am I going to tell them that their older brother is in coma more Riley you know how he is closer to him and Becca to you
Laura:(waking up) mason
Ross: (goes up to her) honey
Laura: where's mason I need to see mason (crying ) I need to see my baby
Joe: I'm going to call a nurse

Nurse: what's wrong
Ross: we want to see our son
Nurse: let me I ask the doctor I'll be right back
3 mins later
Nurse: yes the doctor say you can guys go see him but 2 at a time
Laura:(stand up carefully) thank you

In mason room
Mason: (laying there with tubes plug on him)
Laura/ Ross: (enter the room)
Laura:(gasps at the sight of her son) mason (goes up to him) please wake up I need you please
Ross: c'mon mason we know you can do this don't do this to is please buddy
Laura: (kisses his head) I love you baby
Sarah:(in a wheelchair) *crying* mrs lynch I'm sorry for what happen to mason if he - if he didn't take me we wouldn't be here
Laura: it not your fault Sarah god knows why he do things to us
Sarah: (goes up to him) mason please wake up I need you you are the reason I wake up everyday (sobbing) be the strong boy you always were (kisses him) I love you mason

1 week later
Ross Pov
It's been a week since the accident and mason being in coma Laura it's not doing good she barely eats and most of the time she is in the hospital or crying in mason room. Riley and Becca are sad also tent went to visit him but they could t see him. Mason needs to wake up we need him

In the hospital
Laura: (looking at mason and grabbing his hands) please wake up it's been a week and I just want to see those beautiful eyes that light up my world when I see them please wake up (puts her head down)
Mason: (squeezed her hand)
Laura:(gasps and moves her head up and sees mason looking around) mason!!
Mason: mom
Laura: you woke up
Mason: my head hurts
Laura let me go get the doctor (goes as fats and she can to get the doctor)
2 min later
Doctor: you finally work up mason I are you feeling
Mason : um good but 3 questions what do you guys mean by finally woke up, second of where is Sarah and third why can't I feel my right leg
Laura: you were in coma for a week honey
Mason: a week where is Sarah
Laura: don't worry she's home resting
Mason: is she okay tho
Laura: yes she came in the morning but she needed to rest
Mason : and my leg
Doctor: mason your leg got stuck in the car the paramedics took it off but you had it and we did surgery and you won't be able to walk for 3 months
Mason: thank god
Doctor: okay so everything seems to be doing right I'll leave you guys alone
Laura: I'm so happy your okay
Mason: and I'm so happy that nothing happen to me, Sarah or my leg
Laura: (laughs) that's my son

These past 7 yearsWhere stories live. Discover now