bowsers diary

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One day in the mushroom kingdom two parents were about to have their first son it had been months in docter toadlys office but finnaly there he was the parents dis fused that it should be a name of power

then they both said it together BOWSER! They were so glad that they finally had a son the parent koop and clawetta they fed him meat man could he tear that stuff down.when bowser was five loop started building up bowsers muscles loop always said "if want to survive out there you have to be strong against the forces of nature."Bowser grew strong in days.  clawetta thought it was a great idea to put him in school so she enrolled him school sadly there were very few schools for koopas and they were expensive so she put him in a toad school instead. Bowser always came home sad saying people were always picking on him. there was one thing Bowser liked peach a sweet girl in school everyday. Bowser tried to make freinds with her but every time he got shy and embarrassed

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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