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I sighed before sucking in a breath, mustering up the largest fake smile I could produce. I reluctantly grabbed his arm and mentally prepared myself for the flashing lights and masses of screaming girls that would undoubtedly be outside. 

Here we go again.

"Stop looking so pissed off," the voice next to me softly muttered through clenched teeth, shaking me from my thoughts. 

I tried to make my smile seem more real by thinking about things that made me happy, my family, the beach, really anything but being here right now, with him

"Hey! You two, the car is ready," one of the security guards shouted to us, before leading us to the front doors. 

"Rose, Harry, stay behind us!" Another guard screamed over the girls, as he made sure all the fans were out of our path to the large black SUV. 

I kept a small feigned on my face as I clutched his arm, slightly hiding my face in his chest as we made what felt like a never ending trek to the car. I hope some fans got some good pictures, or else Lillian won't be very happy with me. We were stuffed into the car by security, seeing as girls were fighting against them to get to Harry. 

I scooted all the way to the opposite side of the vehicle, so I was as far away from him as I could get. I glanced out the tinted window at all the screaming teenagers who were just wishing to be in my place, as I wished to be anywhere but here. They soon vanished from my sight as the car moved forward, the driver and some personal security talking about how that was a 'close one.' 

"You okay back there?" Paul, one of the security guards, asked from the front. 

"Fine," Harry muttered, answering for both of us as he stared at his phone. Paul gave me a small knowing smile, which I tried to return, but I could only wrinkle the corners of my lips. 

I looked out the window for the rest of the ride, and I was relived when we finally reached the fancy hotel. 

"Wait a second, we'll get you on Rose's side," Paul ordered. 

The car was silent as the driver, Paul, and other security guards exited the vehicles to hold back the ferocious girls. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, seeing him still staring at his phone. 

There was a knock on the window, signaling that it was time to exit the car. I suck in another deep breath, and kept my head down as I got out of the car and was escorted to the door with two security guards locking me in between them. I got in the air conditioned lobby letting out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in, leaving shouts of my name and his. Some fans could see me through the glass lobby doors, so I decided to wait until he got inside to get in the elevator. I wouldn't want the fans coming up with some ridiculous theory just because I went up without him. 

He came in minutes later, after signing some autographs and posing for photos. He gave me a forced hug, to which I lifted my arms around his torso in response. I heard the screams get louder, and I saw more flashes from over his shoulder. I put on a small smile as he pulled away and grabbed my hand as he led me to the elevator. 

He dropped my hand the second the elevator doors met in the middle, shutting out my view of the lobby. His face has a look of disgust before returning to his phone as the ground beneath us moved upward. We reached the floor that was reserved for the band and he moved out of the elevator first, taking long steps to the room we were set to have a meeting with his publicist in. He didn't seem to care that I was right behind him, as he let the door to the room shut right as I approached it. I held my breath for a few seconds to recollect myself. 

He was not going to get to me when all these people were in the next room. 

"So you decided to join us," Lillian seethed as I walked in, noting that everyone was there besides me. Everyone being Lillian, a few of her assistants and a few people from Harry's management team. 

I faked a tight lipped smile at her and took the only available seat left, which happened to be next to Harry, causing him to obnoxiously roll his eyes.

"Alright," Lillian started, "today was okay, but I mean, come on Rosella, you can do so much better than that. He's an international pop star; there are thousands of girls that would literally kill to be in your spot," she scolded. 

If there are thousands of girls, you should get one of them to pretend to be his girlfriend. I only nodded at her, keeping my thoughts to myself.

Lillian shifted her focus to Harry now starting her lecture, "Harry, you need to have some more contact with her, you know, post a photo on Instagram, tweet about her, smile at her during a concert, kiss her in front of the fans, I mean, really, it's not that hard. I know you two can do better. So, I have arranged a date for you tonight and there will be lots of paparazzi, so please, for the love of god, make it sell that you're dating!" 

I nodded. Harry however has something to say, as usual. 

"Hell no! I'm not kissing her! Especially in front of the fans!" He fumed.

"Yes Harry, you are. You have to make this sell. I really don't care what you want. The 'man whore' reputation doesn't sell records, movies, or anything for that matter, so you need to look like you're seriously committed. When everyone thinks you have finally found a sweet girlfriend, mothers let their kids see you in concert, buy the bands CD's, it brings in money Harry. Without the money, the band does not exist," she shot back at him. 

"I still don't want to kiss her," Harry countered. He just wouldn't give up. I tried holding back the tears that were slowly forming in my eyes. 

"Harry, it's your own doing that got her here in the first place, you will kiss her, I don't care what you want," Lillian said, her assistant dismissing us from the room. 

Harry puffed out an annoyed breath as we stood in the hallway. I followed his lead to the hotel room that we were forced to share, despite both mine and Harry's protests. 

"I can't believe her," he said, mostly to himself as he got his phone out. 

I rolled my eyes at him and made my way to my side of the bed, as far away from him as possible. 

I closed my eyes in hopes of a small nap. I felt the bed shake as he got off it and heard the heavy door open and close. I released an unsteady breath and let the tears I had been holding back freely roll down my face, not bothering to try and stop them. 

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