How you meet

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Sean: You and your best friend scored ticked to the Shawn Mendes concert in Phenix, AZ. That day you spend like two hours getting ready and finally the time comes when you head over to the venue. You two find your seats. You can't wait for the show to start since you have been waiting years and years to see Shawn in concert. The stadium soon fills up and the concert begins. While he's singing you notice a boy looking at you a couple rows over. After the amazing concert you and your friend head out to the commons to look at some merch when five boys come up to your and your friend including the boy from before. they introduce them selves as Over Atlantic and tell you they are playing a show tomorrow close by. You all get a picture and the blond boys asks for one with just you. You agree and he slips a note into your pocket. When you get home you remember the note and pull it out. its his number.

Liam:  you are jusr coming back to cali from a week in new york with your family. Your internet best friend, Bella is freaking out because she is also in cali, infact she is only about 20 mins from you. you two make plans to go see her brothers band preform tonight. When you get to the venue you find Bella and give her a big hug. She brings you back stage with her and when the show starts the two of you get in the front row. When the boys come on instantly your eyes lock with one of the boys. Your heart starts beating faster and faster you ask bella who he is and to your surprise he is her brother. He winks at you and the show goes on with a few looks from him here and there. After the show the boy comes down to hug Bella and introduces him self to you as Liam. He seems pretty nice and tells you to hit him up sometime since hes in Cali for another week.

Trevor:  you are at the airport waiting at your gate for your plane ride to California. You spot a guy across the room sitting with his parents and you make awkward eye contact. He smiles at you and you smile back. A few minutes go by and your gate finally boards. You see him hug his parent good bye and he jumps in line behind you. You can feel like looking at your from behind and smile. When you board the plane you find your seat and just to your surprise he is two seats away from you. "I'm Trevor" He says with the same smile from before. "I'm y/n" You reply. "Are you going home to Cali or just visiting?" He asks "I'm visiting. You?" He responds with "Same, I'm meeting my band there are we are there for three months, you should come see our show if you have time." "I'll surly try!" You say. When the plane lands you both stand up. He gives you his phone "Type in your number?" He asks.

Gabe: you and your best friend are in the grocery store when you hear a loud crash, you both look in the isle over to find fivs guys goofing around. The tall one with brown hair looks at you two "Sorry, Gabe here just dropped Sean." He says through his laughter. You look at the boy who must be Gabe and his cheeks get red. You see someone else grab his phone out of his back pocket. he opens it up and hand it to you. "Put in your number for my friend Gabe here? He fancey's you." He says with a british accent. Gabe smiles at you as you put it in

Charlie: You had been a fan of charlie since X Factor and he was finally coming to the UK for tour with his new band. As soon as the tickets went on sale you and your sister bought the beat ones you could afford. The day finally came when you would go see him live. You and your sister get to the venue early hoping someone would come and upgrade your tickets. Then something even better happened. Charlie Jones him self came out and ask you and your sister to come back stage to meet the boys. Flattered, you accept. on the walk back you and Charlie really hit it off and he asks for your twitter and instagram. Few weeks later, he slides right into your Dm's

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