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As I walked down the foggy street, the man that killed my wife stood there armed with a sword and shield. I wanted to walk away, but I felt the anger rising in me. So I slowly drew my sword ready to cut up the bastard that created the darkness in my heart. I used the fog as my disguise as I snuck up on him, so I ran and wanted to make the scoundrel pay for what he did to me, but he was smarter then he seemed and quickly noticed my plan. I had to think about what I was going to do or I knew he would beat me to it. I had no time to think although he was huge, his speed was inhuman and our swords clashed. I had no idea what just happened, but I knew I needed to kill him to get revenge, so that's what my plan was.

The clash of our swords was so strong that we both recoiled and lost our balance. I recovered faster then he did and used that as my advantage to storm him. I forgot all about his shield and it he blocked himself, so my attack was parried. One minute I think I'm winning, but the next thing I knew he had already recovered. We both lashed out at each other, fighting for our survival, parrying one attack after the next. Just when I think I have him, his shield would get in the way. I had to get that shield away from him. I tried knocking it out of his hand, which was a huge mistake, in that split second he found an opening and cut my left arm clean off. I screamed in agony, he took another swing at me, but I dodged it just in time.

I looked at my now missing arm and took two leaps back while grasping my sword much harder. This murderer will pay for what he has done, I'll make sure of that- even if it costs me my life. I say to him in a low voice "Why did you kill my wife!?" He said in a menacing voice "Because I was bored, I wanted a little excitement in my life- so I killed her- I know you, the greatest swordsman that has ever lived, would come and face me, but you aren't looking to good." I wanted to kill him even more, he was laughing and had a huge grin on his face. I lashed out again, with every ounce of strength I had left. I plunged my sword into his heart and watched his face contort from the pain. "This is what you deserve for everything that you have done. I hope your death is slow and painful, wretch." I said as he took his last breath, I slowly took my sword from his chest. I hear him laughing as I walk away, knowing that soon he will meet his inevitable fate.

I start to feel dizzy as walk, I too will die soon and I have already lost to much blood. I collapse to the ground, fighting to live, but I smile because I know that soon I will be able to see my beautiful wife again and tell her that I love her. Life slowly fades from my body. I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me. I am happy, truly happy.

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