Chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V.

Its been two weeks since the day I kissed Niall.

I still can't believe all of this is happening. What are the chances that when I kiss Niall, he likes me back? How does that even happen? Isn't he suppose to hate me and want to move out? I don't know, this is real life I guess. Not some fairy tale story book. My life is beginning to feel like a fairy tale though. Niall is the icing on top of the whole thing.

That night, when we told each other 'I love you', we fell asleep like that. With Niall's smaller frame pressed up against my side. We slept like thatm for hours. When we woke up the next day, we couldn't get the smiles off our faces.

Everything since then has been great. I take Niall to all his doctor appointments, and we've been to a few meetings with mangement. Other than that, we stay in our apartment and cuddle on the couch with a few kisses. I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it.

But, our tour is starting back up again. We stopped right in the middle when everything with Niall happened. It's been months since we were on tour. But the show must go on, right? I'm honestly scared to go back on tour. The last time, Niall got kidnapped. Now that he's mine, I'm not letting anyone near him. Ever.

We have a flight to the states, at 7am tomorrow morning. I look at my phone and see that it's already 10:37pm. I shake Niall's arm and show him my phone. He sighs and leans back into me.

"Do we have to go?"

"Well, kinda."

"I want to stay here."

"We have concerts, that people paid for. That were supposed to be months ago."


I stand up and grab Niall's hand. As I kiss each of his knuckles, I pull him off the couch. I can hear him sigh again and I walk us towards our bedroom. Well, it used to be my bedroom, but we made it ours. Niall's room is kind of a guest room. Kinda. As we walk into the bedroom, Niall looks down at our suitcases. They've been packed since yesterday afternoon. Niall slowly, very slowly, removes his pants. Only remaning in boxers and a T-shirt. He just started sleeping like that a few days ago. I don't question the T-shirt because he's finally finding himself. Even if it's only sleeping arrangements.

I strip off my pants and T-shirt, leaving myself in boxers. I crawl into bed beside Niall and he lays his head on my chest. I begin running my fingers through his hair, when he speaks up.

"I'm really nervous..."

"I know you are babe. But you don't have to be, I'm here to protect you."

I hear him sigh and soon I feel his chest rumble with sleep. Soon after, I'm asleep too.

The Next Morning....

I once again pull Niall's head to my chest as the plane gets ready to take off. I run my fingers through his hair to try and calm him. I know how nervous he is. I mean, the last time we were on tour he got kidnapped and raped and yeah. He keeps telling me how much he thinks it's going to happen again.

I already let it happen to him once, it's not going to happen again.

I feel his breath hitch as the plane takes off down the runway.

Author's Note:

Sooo that was a small chapter, very small. Sorry it took so long and is so short. I have writers block :( Pleaseeeee let me know what you want to happen in the story. It will help TONS.

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