Chatp. 1 meeting daddy and the scary yelly marker guy

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I herd a tiny KNOCK KNOCK  at the door.

   who could that be its 6:00 in the morning said liam

i dono i'll answer niall cheered , uhh hey lou    uhhh its for     you niall said confused

why did you say it like that , i asked also confused

i walked up to the door too see a little girl she looked like she was very little

Hello who are you i said confused even more , then she handed me a note

Before i opened the note i looked at her and said is this for me

she nodded her head up and down up and down, then she gave me a smirk it sorta looked like how i smirked weird huh i thought.

She didn't look like me at all.she had blonde  hair and big blue eyes.

i opened up the note the lads crowed around     except zayn cause he was asleep.

the note said.....

Dear Louis,

The little girl on your door step is your daughter. I can't take care of her anymore. i would of told you sooner but i didn't have the money to afford this letter . i was caught stealing drugs. and as soon as i new the cops were coming i packed her bags and sent her to you i didn't have the money for a car. so she had to walk , and i know you live in england and i live farther away fromyou so .please make sure she's not hurt . and make sure she get's food if she's hungry . please please make sure she is ok and i never will be able to take care of her.

she hasn't had her first time really any where  she hasn't had a proper meal yet. she likes to explore. and she loves to pretend. since she's real little she will look for your shoes when she's lost, and when she's scared out in public she will hold your leg until it goes away. and when she is afriad of someone she will hide beind your legs.  make sure the boys be care ful with her ok? make sure to capture every moment of the things she accomplishes.

take care of our baby, bye now



 i was stunned i've always wanted a kid and i just really wished she would of contacted me, but there are struggling times.

i looked at the boys they all had the same look on there face , except zayn he was still sleeping

WELL, said  liam really curious

i crouched down to the girls level and smiled, she ran up to me and huged me tight i could tell she was trying to sqeaze me as hard as she could but it wouldn't work.i hugged her and picked her up, i knew what the boys were thinking .

she burried her head in the crook of my neck and then i knew i could do this.she took her head out from me neck and looked at me and said daddy. then it took me a little bit too think ....

she knows who i am?

the boys looked confused.

 i put her down and she ran behind my leg, guys this is my daughter.

then all of a sudden zayn wakes up and yells I KNEW HE WAS THE FIRST ONE TO KNOCK UP A GIRL YOU ALL OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS.

then he went back to sleep ,i was a little shocked to here that so i just ignored it.


i was scared i didn't know where to go but mommy said keep going straight until you find this number on a house or a street, i walked and walked until i found a really gold watch i liked it so i picked it up and put it in my plain black back pack.

then i carried on walking until i found a house with the same number mommy told me about, the house was big infact really big. so i walked up to the big door and knock, i would of just walked in but i can't reach the door knob.

then a tall guy with a lepracon shirt on chrouched down to me and said can i help you he asked

i didn't reply but i handed him a piece of paper. mommy said it had daddy's name on it , i rember but i didn't tell him.

the tall guy called someone . he was even taller than the other guy. he read the note and had a strange look on his face. then more people came over to him.

then he crouched down and smiled at me then i knew he was daddy. so i ran up and hug him.

daddy picked me up and i squeazed him as hard as i could but nothing happened to daddy. then he put me down at said something to the other tall people.

then this scary guy with a bunch of marker on him and yelled something it scared me so backed up away from daddy an started to cry and ran away, i didn't notice daddy turn around and chase me and so did the other guys did to. they coulnd't catch me because i kept turning the other way an another way. but then i noticed the scary yelly guy with marker all over him started coming then i saw a perfect place to hide from daddy.

so i jumped into a play house on the grass, daddy ran passed me a little bit then noticed i was gone

i didn't like to hide from daddy because he was nice. be the yelly marker guys was coming.

then the scary yelly marker guy stoped at the play house and looked in the play house and called daddy, the scary yelly marker guy grab me out of the play house and held me up , i tryed wiggling but it didn't work so i just was being held up there by the scary yelly marker guy. he made me cry. he made me want daddy even more.

but then daddy came and got me, i grabbed onto daddy's shirt and cryed . why did you run away daddy asked, cause of the s s scary y y yelly m m marker guy i cryed.

daddy looked at the other tall guys and laughed, i was confused why they were laughing.

*******AT HOME********


on the way home daddy told me my uncles names theres uncle liam,uncle niall,uncle harry, and uncle zayn. when we got home daddy put me on the big couch. daddy sat next to me and on the side of daddy was uncle liam and next to uncle liam was uncle harry, uncle niall sat in a chair not the couch. and uncle zayn sat next to me but i still didn't like him. so when unlce zayn sat down  i got of the big couch and ran to uncle niall and holded hid legs.

uncle niall looked at me and smiled. UPPIE i said almost yelling. uncle niall lifted me onto his lap and then i hugged his neck. all of them looked at me except for uncle zayn he was asleep.

Daddy it's to hard to say all of the uncles names so i came up with new one's i said.

uncle niall is uncle food , uncle harry is uncle fancy pants , uncle liam is unlce smart. and what about zayn uncle smart said, ugh don't get me started on him i sassed.

uncle fancy pants said i'm just like my daddy.daddy's cheeks got red. run daddy's going to explode is said running up stairs.

daddy chased after me and brought me back downstairs. why didn't you explode yet daddy i asked confused. what do you mean daddy questined dont when your cheeks get red  that means your gonna explode. no it means you like something.

daddy wanted to ask me somethin .....

 link to see what lily looks like-

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