Chapt. 5 Daddys secrets

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Lilly's P.O.V

it was ....... daddy

he was in a little picture

den i realized that if i show this i can get food

den i saw a big pretzel with words on it

i ran up to the big pretzel and waited in line until it was my turn

may i help yo- the nice lady said she couldnt see me

 so i jumped up and down 2 times

she walked around the counter and said what can i do for you little girl

can pwease have some food and here

i handed her daddy's food pocket

she looked at it and brought me behind the big counter

do you know who's this is and where did you find it she asked quietly

its my daddy's and i found it over there where i was sitting i said a little fast

i pointed to the big couch

ok what kind of pretzel do you want she asked

i want a...... sweet pretzel

ok ill go get it she siad

she came back with one big bag

here are two sweet pretzels

fank you i said as i walked away

den i remebered i forgot daddy's picture

so i ran back and she was still standing there

 i  grabbed daddy's picture and ran away

she was running after me than a group of girls were chasing me and screaming at me

then i was gettting tired so i was slowing down

den i saw a scooter with a boy

i grabbed the scooter and swooshed my foot back and forth on the mall floor

HEY THATS MY SCOOTER the little boy yelled


i went faster and faster the quicker i swooshed my foot

Lou's P.O.V

hey li ask can you ask lily if she wants a pb and j sandwich pplleeaassee i asked

uh lou what do you mean ask lily liam asked really nervous

just ask her if she wants a sandwhich or has to use the bathroom i said a little  annoyed

uh lou i mean i dont have lily liam whisper/yelled at meh

 what do you mean you dont have her i said turning to him

i mean i thought she was walking with you atleast that she WAS walking with you while we were on our way in here liam said facing me

oh well she knows not to wonder off i said getting a little nevours

 to the fact that neither of us know where my little girl is i thought

 i looked around to see that niall,harry, and zayn are gone

lou its gonna be ok liam gestured

they probably took her to the bathroom

or maybe toke her into a store with them

or even take her to get something to eat liam said out of breath

hmmm i dont know i said looking around

well im sure she is perfectly fine where ever she is lou liam said calming me

Lily's P.O.V

i saw a chance to go way faster i thought to my self

 as i saw the mini motor cycle

i ran off of the scooter and hopped on the mini motor cycle

 i pressed the on switch

twisted the handle an all of a sudden

WrOoM i went zooming fast and looked back they were getting closer

Louis's P.O.V

i kept hearing this annoying sound like

a giant cow riding a little motor cycle

 it kept getting louder and louder

 and all of a sudden i see Lily riding a mini motor cycle with a bunch of fans chasing her

HI DADDY she screamed to me

HI i screamed back

 luckily none of the fans reaconized me

then i realized that i just called my little girl a .....

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